Rarely are situations when a child independently and painlessly refuses breastfeeding. Therefore, for many mothers, the question of how to properly wean a child from the breast is quite relevant.

Step 1
Wean your baby gradually. Replace one meal of the day with another product first. Then replace the evening feed and then the morning feed. This way, you only leave breastfeeding before bedtime and daytime. Carry out each replacement within a week. Pay attention to the food you give your baby in exchange for breast milk. It should be tasty and healthy.
Step 2
To make weaning from breastfeeding less painful for the baby, change the feeding ritual as well. For example, change the place of eating, try not to change clothes in front of the child.
Step 3
Do not wean your baby off of breast milk too abruptly, as this can cause discomfort. It's okay if you give your baby a breast when he is scared or anxious. But try to find other ways to calm your baby.
Step 4
Try bottle feeding your baby. Gradually, he will realize that it is much easier to suck from her, and he will give up the breast himself.
Step 5
During the period of weaning a child from breastfeeding, do not leave home for a long time. This will be double stress for him.
Step 6
Do not wean your baby from the breast and when he is sick, his teeth are teething or after a vaccination.
Step 7
Try to take to reduce lactation. To do this, drink less and consume foods that promote milk production. Express often. Play sports or take a lactation-reducing drug.
Step 8
If the baby does not want to give up breastfeeding and is constantly naughty, then wait a little and choose the most appropriate moment.
Step 9
In no case do not use grandmother's methods of weaning the baby from the breast (lubricating the nipples with mustard, brilliant green, etc.). By doing this, you will only add hassle to yourself, and severe emotional stress for the child.