Many people love to receive gifts for their birthday, especially small children. To truly bring joy to their baby, parents should choose a gift not only based on their views and tastes, but also taking into account the interests and needs of their three-year-old son.

As the solemn date approaches, the main concern of parents is the choice of a gift for the little birthday boy. At this age, attention and thinking become more focused, interest in plot games appears. A three-year-old boy may not be interested in soft teddy bears or bunnies, but his attention will certainly be attracted by toys that imitate the activities of adults - transport, construction, railways, etc.
At this age, a boy can play independently for a long time and with enthusiasm, without involving adults in this process. In his games, one can already note the logical sequence of events, their variability. Through play, a three-year-old child develops communication skills, learns to understand the feelings of others, empathy.
Taking into account these age characteristics, a number of toys can be distinguished that will become a wonderful gift for your three-year-old son and will not leave him indifferent. These include toy sets, playing with which, the child will be able to come up with his own plot (auto track, warrior's equipment, hospital, etc.); magic markers, paints, albums, pencils; constructors, puzzles, mosaics, plasticine.
At the age of three, children, as a rule, already show interest not only in pictures in books, but also in text, in individual words, letters. Therefore, a bright colorful children's book with beautiful illustrations and large print can be a good gift for a child.
If your child is interested in a computer, present him with its child counterpart - a developmental PC. At this age, the baby is already able to master the wisdom of various electronic toys.
Nice clothes can also be a good gift. This is all the more important if there are already a lot of toys in the house, and the young fashionista is not indifferent to his appearance and often turns in front of the mirror.
Whatever your gift, do not forget that the main condition for happiness for a child is his friendly family, in which he is surrounded by care and love.