Your child has grown up, said goodbye to kindergarten, and in the fall he will already become a first grader. This is a responsible and exciting event in his life, because at school he will spend a lot of time, grow, develop and receive the necessary knowledge. Parents should be very careful when choosing a school.

Step 1
You should have a personal acquaintance with each of the schools you choose from. No feedback from friends, opinions on the Internet and the assessments of students' parents can replace their own opinion. You should look at the environment in the school during the educational process, assess the popularity of the school, the teaching staff, the behavior and performance of students, the environment in the classrooms, the presence of a cafeteria and full security. Only in this way will you make the right choice and will calmly wait for the beginning of the next school year, and in September you will happily take your child to the first grade for the first time.
Step 2
When choosing a school, focus on the character and abilities of your child, and not on your interests. For example, two different schools can provide approximately the same quality of education, but in one school a child may feel lagging behind or an outcast, which can provoke serious complexes and affect academic performance. And in another school, with a different approach to students, he can integrate into general academic performance, engage in additional hobby groups and will feel happy.
Step 3
Pay attention not to the teaching staff of the school. The quality of education largely depends on the existing teaching staff. It is very good if many teachers work at the school for a long period. They create a special educational atmosphere that is different in all educational institutions.
Step 4
The child will spend a lot of time at school, so he must eat well. Make sure there is a nice dining room or buffet here. They should not sell junk food like chocolate bars or soda.
Step 5
Pay attention to school discipline during recess. If the children run and make noise - there is nothing wrong with that, then the teachers allow them to throw out their energy outside the lesson. But if you see that students are fighting, swearing and smoking outside the school, then this indicates that discipline at school is not established. Whether your child will be able to fit into such an environment, and if you want him to become a part of it - seriously think about it.
Step 6
Currently, the school administration pays special attention to the safety and security of children. The school grounds must be fenced off. It is very good if a checkpoint is introduced.
Step 7
And of course, the main factor on which the choice of the future school depends is the teacher. Each parent has their own ideas about a good teacher, so it is better if you personally meet and talk with a person who may become a mentor and leader of your first grader.