How To Teach A Child About Forms

How To Teach A Child About Forms
How To Teach A Child About Forms

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One day you decided that your baby is old enough to learn to distinguish between geometric shapes. There are special play techniques for teaching this child 1-2 years old.

How to teach a child about forms
How to teach a child about forms


Step 1

Start learning with a small number of volumetric figures such as a ball and a cube. Because they are the most familiar to the child in the form of familiar toys: cubes and balls.

Step 2

Everything has to happen in the form of a game. For example, when you play ball with your baby, in addition to its name, every time you say: "The ball is round", and about a cubic toy - "square". You can add that the ball rolls, but the cube does not. Demonstrate this clearly and invite your child to try it for himself. So it will be easier for him to learn the features of each figure.

Step 3

Ask your child to bring you a circle or square. After he realizes that this is a cube and a ball, start showing him other objects of the same shape: an orange, a plate, a CD, a handkerchief, etc.

Step 4

Mold figures of various shapes together from colored plasticine, naming them. Later, invite the baby to mold the detail you named himself.

Step 5

To teach a child about shapes with toys, pyramids, which need to be folded from parts of a wide variety of shapes, are well suited. It is good if they are of different colors. It is also a good idea to use a special sorter or a bucket with cells of a certain configuration, in which you need to ask the child to place the corresponding figures.

Step 6

Invite your child to arrange them in several boxes, objects previously cut out of cardboard - triangles, circles, etc.: squares - in one, rectangles - in another, etc. These containers should be drawn or pasted with the appropriate geometric shapes.

Step 7

All children love to draw. Put a few bold dots on the paper, repeating the shape of a certain figure, and invite him to connect them. Always name the part received.

Step 8

Do everything together. Be patient and kind. Be sure to praise the child after each case of correctly finding or naming a figure. Playfully teach, and you can easily teach your child about forms.
