Exciting Outdoor Games For Children

Exciting Outdoor Games For Children
Exciting Outdoor Games For Children

Outdoor games help to diversify children's recreation both in winter and in summer. They decorate the child's pastime, teach communication and work in a team, improve coordination of movements, temper the body and strengthen health.

Outdoor play improves children's health
Outdoor play improves children's health

Active children's games on the street develop agility, endurance, speed, and also improve reaction. Gradually, the child becomes strong, strong and healthy. During collective games, children begin to understand the importance of support, learn the correct behavior in society, show initiative and activity, and bear responsibility.

Winter games for children

There are quite a lot of outdoor games for children: making a snowman, building castles from snow, fighting with snowballs, sledding downhill.

Parents often take part in games with their children. Together with the kids, you can play snowballs or build a snow fortress and storm it. The rules of this outdoor game for children are simple. All participants are divided into two teams, one defends the fortress from the inside, and the other attacks and storms it. An active "firefight" with snowballs is going on between the defenders and the attackers. If a participant in the game is hit 1 time, then he is considered wounded, and if he was hit 2 times, then he is considered killed. In this case, the child is out of the game.

It is better to engage in the construction of snow houses with children after a snowfall or during a thaw. Snow can be used to build not only a fortress, but also a house, a labyrinth, a gazebo. Children roll up large snowballs, fold the walls of buildings out of them, and fill up the gaps with snow.

You can make bricks out of snow in winter like sand cakes. For this, laminated boxes are used, into which snow is tightly packed, and then the snow bricks are turned over and shaken out. The walls are laid out of them, and the resulting house is poured over with water.

Summer games for kids

In summer, with young children, you can play the active game "Sparrows". For this, a circle is drawn on the ground with chalk, which is the house of the crow. She is in the center of the circle, and the sparrows are around the perimeter. During the game, the sparrows jump into the circle to the raven and immediately jump out of it. The crow must be caught by the sparrow. The caught game participant turns into a crow and begins to catch other sparrows.

Another outdoor game for children is relay race. This is a team competition in which the number of teams is determined by the number of participants. First, the start and finish are determined, and then the essence of the task: to jump the first participant on two legs, the second on the left leg, the third on the right. Tasks sometimes complicate: participants collect stones scattered along the way or overcome obstacles.

On the street, they organize games with a ball or any other sports equipment. Children can play football, volleyball or badminton on their own. These games are good for your health and very addicting.
