Outdoor Games For Children

Outdoor Games For Children
Outdoor Games For Children

Children from small to large love to run, play various outdoor games. And this is inherent in them by nature itself, as it contributes to their physical development, the development of endurance. Children sometimes flirt so much, with such enthusiasm they chase the ball around the yard, cut it on a bicycle, that they even forget to go home to eat.

Outdoor games
Outdoor games

The most necessary

What do children need for outdoor games? In fact, quite a bit. It can be the same ball, jump rope, playground snake, or even a piece of chalk. Everything you need to make the game fun is not so hard to find.

Also, for outdoor games, you will need a lot of free space. This can be a playground, clearing, or some other spacious and safe place. But, perhaps, the most important thing that a child needs is friends. And children, playing together, quickly find a common language. It is much easier for them than for adults to meet and make friends. If for some reason your child has not made friends and cannot find a common language with other children, you can temporarily replace them. And yet the child is always more interesting in the children's company.

Game selection

Usually, children themselves come up with what to play, but sometimes a tip from adults is appropriate. Many games, if you paid attention, are inherited from previous generations. These are the same familiar to you "Cossacks and robbers", "hide and seek", "classics", "freeze in place". And this series can be continued. So feel free to offer children those games from your childhood that they have not yet played. At the same time, it is important to clearly explain to them the rules of the game.

In general, there are a great many outdoor games. And their number is constantly growing. Children come up with new games based on the cartoons they have watched, fairy tales they have read, and life situations they have seen. For example, we watched the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and now - a new game where they play the roles of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, etc.

Quite a lot of games can be found on the Internet at various children's sites. Some of them were invented by kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, organizers of children's parties and, of course, just parents.

Child's age

When offering certain outdoor games, you should remember that the age of your child is an important point. There are games that only kids play, and those who are older, they are not so interesting. Such games include "burners", "flies - does not fly", etc. There are a number of games that are interesting mainly for schoolchildren. However, children play most outdoor games regardless of age.

Number of participants

The number of participants in these games is also significant. There are games aimed at a certain number of children. For example, to participate in the "fun starts" that are so often organized by counselors of summer children's camps, you need to have an equal number of players in each team. Usually, the number of participants in outdoor games is not limited.
