Children's sleds are a necessary and multifunctional item. They will replace a stroller for kids, a bicycle or a scooter for older kids. But their main purpose is winter fun. How to choose the right children's sled so that it will delight your baby for a long time?

Step 1
Pay attention to which age category this or that model is intended for. For the smallest, a sled with a handle is needed. On sale you can find varieties of winter children's transport, on which you can rearrange the handle, and carry the child forward, face or back. This design allows you to turn the baby away from the snow flying in the face. Even the smallest passengers need a backrest and armrests to prevent the child from falling, as well as a footrest. It is very good if the sled is equipped with a canopy and a mattress. For an older child, who no longer needs to be carried during a walk, a sled without a handle and back, but wider and lower, will do. It is very convenient to ride on these slides.
Step 2
Take a closer look at lighter and more compact models. If the sled is designed for downhill skiing - a folding model is not needed, pay attention only to the weight. If you often have to carry them on public transport, then the folding option is more suitable. Also, consider where you will store the sled. If there is not enough space, then you need a model with a folding or removable handle, backrest and armrests. Inflatable sleds are very convenient in terms of storage. It is optimal if the weight of the product is no more than 4 kg, in which case the child will carry them without any problems.
Step 3
Consider the material from which the sled is made. Most often, you can find metal products on sale. Take a closer look at their runners - they are flat and tubular. With the first type of runners, the sleds are more passable and stable, but the second is much more durable and maneuverable. It is best if the runners are made of steel - it is stronger than aluminum or its alloy. The transverse planks of the seat, in contrast to the longitudinal ones, will not allow the child to slide off the sled. Among the plastic models, you can also choose very good sleds. Imported manufacturers make them lightweight, durable and frost-resistant. These sleds are very maneuverable and have no sharp corners. Inflatable models are rare in our stores. They are designed to roll off large snowy mountains and can reach very high speeds. However, if you run over a branch or snag, the sled will be irreparably damaged.