In order for a child to grow up as a successful and psychologically stable person, it is important that the parents are good friends for him. Therefore, it is worth planning your summer holidays so that these friendships are strengthened.

And the important thing here is not so much the amount of time spent together as its quality. We have prepared some tips for you on how to strengthen your relationship with your child during the summer holidays.
Plan your vacation together
It so happens that children refuse to participate in family vacations because they are "not interested". And if parents have to press and coerce, then what kind of strengthening of relations can we talk about? Therefore, it is imperative to involve the child in planning a family vacation. Choosing the route with the parents, the hotel, looking at photos of interesting places, the child will no longer "go to rejection."
Another tip: it is more important for a child not to look, but to climb, touch, swim, ride, do something with his own hands. Then pleasant experiences (and in the future - shared memories) will become those "bricks" that make up good relationships.
Make friends with his (her) friends
Summer holidays should be used to improve relationships with friends of a daughter or son (especially if they have already grown up). To be calm for the child, to know where he is and with whom, you need to invite his (her) friends to your house. And if you don't like the latter? Then you especially need to do it! Communicate with them, listen, ask, just do not read morality. By communicating with your child's friends, you will understand your child better, and you will have more opportunities to influence the situation. If you are not delighted with a friend or girlfriend, in any case do not say: "He is stupid and evil." Express your judgment only about a specific action, telling what a real friend would have done.
Dedicate your child to the intricacies of the family budget
Psychologists are sure: in the summer, the child should take a break from school! During the holidays, it is better to talk about "adult" topics, for example, the topic of money. Your child will be interested to know how you earn, how you plan your family budget, etc. You can take the child to the bank and explain the meaning of the simplest operations. Even an ordinary trip to the store can be brought to the level of economic education. Teach you not just to take products off the shelf, but to pay attention to the price and "fit" into the budget. By becoming a source of useful knowledge, you will raise your authority in the eyes of the child, which means that you will strengthen your relationship.