How Eye Teeth Erupt

How Eye Teeth Erupt
How Eye Teeth Erupt

Teething in a child is an important step in the life of every person. After all, they symbolize a new stage of his growing up and the additional opportunities that appear for him. Babies cut their teeth in different ways: some with pain, others with fever. Some of them come out rather painlessly. Others, such as the eye, cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

How eye teeth erupt
How eye teeth erupt

Despite the fact that the timing of teething in children is different, the order of their appearance is more or less averaged. So, the central incisors appear first, then the lateral ones. And, finally, there are lateral canines, which are popularly called "eye teeth".

This name was given to the canines because a nerve passes at their location, which is responsible for the connection of the upper part of the face with the central nervous system. And that is why the eye teeth erupt rather painfully.

Special signs of eruption of eye teeth

Since the area where these teeth are located is closely connected with the nervous system, in most cases the growth of the eye teeth is difficult to miss. Babies often have a number of symptoms that interfere with their normal life, cause discomfort and become a cause for great anxiety for parents. These include:

- swelling and severe soreness of the gums;

- increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees

- diarrhea;

- lacrimation.

Lacrimation and conjunctivitis can be noted on the eye under which the tooth began to grow. This symptom is a kind of side effect of this process.

In addition, against the background of a general decrease in immunity - the whole body is aimed at helping in the growth of teeth - a child can easily pick up an infection.

Teething of the eye teeth occurs at about 16-22 months, i.e. when the child is already over a year old. However, there are situations when the sequence can be violated, and this does not at all indicate any problems in the development of the baby.

It is very convenient to attribute various diseases to teeth. However, it is worth remembering that it is imperative to treat a cold that has arisen against the background of teething. Otherwise, there is a risk of starting the disease, as a result of which complications will develop.

There are cases, and they are quite common, when the baby is even taken to the hospital - the symptoms accompanying the process of tooth growth are so strong. This usually happens when it is impossible to bring down the temperature and complications have already appeared.

What to do to ease the situation

A number of proven remedies will help you to ease the baby's position and relieve pain at least a little. First of all, use special gels that allow you to relieve the inflammatory process in the gums, cools it down, reducing pain, and promotes faster teething.

It is also recommended to give your child special teether toys. They help relieve pain and distract the child from discomfort. You can additionally give your child a gum massage using a clean napkin or a special finger attachment. And remember: no alcohol-containing products can be used for this. As well as applying various pain relieving and antipyretic pills to the baby's gums, you can easily cause poisoning.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully protect the child's nervous system during this period. His tearfulness and irritability has a number of reasons, and quite serious ones. Therefore, parents need to pay as much attention to the baby as possible.

… tooth 3.symptom 4. teething 5.tooth 6.tooth 7.children 9.child 10.cutting
