Whether To Believe In The Power Of The Evil Eye

Whether To Believe In The Power Of The Evil Eye
Whether To Believe In The Power Of The Evil Eye

The belief that the evil eye can cause significant harm to human health and well-being has existed for many hundreds of years. And although official science firmly states that this is nothing more than a superstition, many people are afraid of the evil eye and take measures to protect against it.

Whether to believe in the power of the evil eye
Whether to believe in the power of the evil eye

Beliefs do not arise from scratch. If people have believed in the power of the evil eye for hundreds of years, there are clearly some facts behind it. Researchers of anomalous and unknown phenomena are fully confident that the evil eye is an absolutely real phenomenon and really worth fearing.

What is the evil eye

The evil eye is one of the types of negative energy-informational impact on a person. In this case, the evil eye must be distinguished from such options as damage or curse. The main difference is that the evil eye occurs involuntarily, without obvious malice.

The well-known concept of "jinx" is directly related to the evil eye. To jinx it means to spoil something with too good feedback, joy, premature optimism. The evil eye is based on this very principle, and in many cases multiplied by the feeling of envy. For example, someone admires your child - after that, the child may well get sick or injured. Envy your job, expressing it out loud - after a few days, you may have problems at work.

Who can cause the evil eye

Not every person can cause the evil eye, only people with strong energy are capable of this. Every word of such a person can have an impact, while there is always some intention behind the words. For example, a neighbor praises your car, in fact, he envies you and internally wants you not to have one. It is possible that he himself is not ready to admit these feelings, but they are and can cause very serious damage - the likelihood that you will have an accident in the next few days increases dramatically.

Most often, the evil eye is associated with human health. This is quite understandable, since when two people communicate, the energy of one can easily damage the aura of the other. Influencing events is much more difficult than influencing health, so the evil eye of successful events, expensive purchases, etc. much less common.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye

The first and most reliable method is to live a healthy life, both physical and spiritual. If a person has good energy, he is not afraid of any evil eye, someone else's energy simply cannot violate the integrity of the aura. Belonging to a major traditional religion, such as Christianity or Islam, is a very good defense. Finally, an inner conviction that you are not afraid of any evil eye, damage or curse gives excellent protection. After all, a belief is an intention, and it is very powerful.

If you are unsure about your safety, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself. For example, if you are in a movie theater or other similar crowded public place, cross your arms and legs, this very much closes your energy. Suspecting that you may be influenced in some way, visualize around you a shining shell of the aura that does not allow any negative energy to pass inside. For a believer, prayer is a very good protection.

To protect your child from the evil eye, try to spend less time with other people, especially those who can praise him or be jealous of what a good baby you have. Post fewer photos of your child on social networks and other Internet resources. Especially dangerous in terms of the evil eye are those photographs in which the child's eyes are clearly visible.

Of course, to believe or not in the power of the evil eye is a personal matter for each person. Disbelief provides a certain level of protection, but knowledge provides even greater security.
