How To Temper Children Correctly

How To Temper Children Correctly
How To Temper Children Correctly

Many parents sooner or later realize the need to temper their child. Hardening is a set of measures and procedures aimed at training the body's ability to withstand unfavorable natural factors, such as low temperature, sudden temperature changes, cold water, strong wind. The effectiveness of hardening depends on a number of conditions, if fulfilled, one can expect a positive result.

How to temper children correctly
How to temper children correctly

It is best to start hardening procedures at birth. The body of a newborn has a high degree of adaptation, therefore it easily adapts to the lifestyle that parents offer the child. If you missed the neonatal period, then you need to change the child's lifestyle and regimen gradually, giving the body time to get used to the new conditions.

Air baths

Several times a day (optimally after feeding at an air temperature of 20-22 degrees) completely undress the baby and put it in the crib. Start with 2 minutes.

Massage and gymnastics

We are not talking about professional massage, which the neurologist prescribes in courses for specific indications, but about daily independent exercises that your baby needs every day. Learn the simplest exercise therapy complex and perform it 1-2 times a day. You can use music, fairy tales, poems, if the child likes it. Or better yet, attract a daddy who will entertain the baby with rattles.

Water procedures

Daily bathing of the baby is a mandatory hardening event. It is better to use a large bath and start with a temperature of 36 degrees, gradually lowering it. From 2, 5-3 months, you can bathe your baby in a special circle, which is fixed on the neck.

Walking barefoot

When your child starts to walk, be sure to let him run on the cool floor at home without socks and shoes. Start with a short time (3-4 minutes) and gradually lengthen the period. But do not forget that walking on a cool floor is beneficial, and sitting on it is very harmful, since the latter can lead to inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Walks in the open air

Ideally, they should be daily, lasting at least 4 hours. Just remember the main rule (for a child who can barely walk) - a minimum of clothes, do not wrap up! And don't wear a hat if the temperature is over 18 degrees.

Maximum physical activity

Design and practice dynamic educational games, both outdoors and at home.

Feeding on appetite

It is very difficult for us, parents, to believe that a child knows his food ration. You need to accustom yourself to listen to the child's body and feed the child according to his appetite, without overfeeding him.

Temper your kids and be healthy!
