With the advent of the baby, parents have to change a lot in life. But the mother of the child is experiencing more changes. And the nutrition of the wet nurse is no exception.

Following a breastfeeding diet can be influenced by different needs and desired results. The approaches, techniques and methods of achieving this differ dramatically. But all diets of this orientation stimulate lactation and can improve the quality of milk.
This diet is designed to reduce the risk of allergies in newborns, to stabilize the functioning of their gastrointestinal tract. It must be remembered that everything that the mother eats will also affect the child. A breastfeeding diet involves the complete elimination of certain foods.
What to exclude in the first 6 months:
Fatty and fried foods. Meat-based broths. Vegetables imported from other regions. Fruit (1 apple per day allowed). Cow's milk. Healing mineral water. Mushrooms.
Your nutrition from the first day of your baby's life should meet the main requirement - do no harm. In the first three months, the gastrointestinal tract develops quite intensively, during this period children may suffer from physiological colic. The main task is to prevent the intensification of colic due to improper nutrition. It is better not to use cabbage in any form, cucumbers, baked goods, red vegetables. After your baby is 4 months old, start adding the above foods to your food.
If you have allergies in your family, try to follow the strict diet possible in the first months. For cereals, give preference to rice and buckwheat. Pre-soak the groats for several hours. It is allowed to drink black and green tea, it is better to refrain from herbal teas. The tea should be unflavored, and the tea should be brewed loosely. We'll have to give up sweets. It is allowed to consume a handful of dried fruits a day. Nuts, chocolate, seafood, fruits and fresh vegetables, without heat treatment - it is better to forget about all this for about 3-4 months. From meat, if possible, use rabbit meat; from poultry, quails are suitable. The rest of the meat is either too fatty or can cause allergies. Eat boiled potatoes, zucchini, pasta without fear. It is recommended to season salads with vegetable oil, mayonnaise, and it is better to exclude ketchup.
As soon as the baby grows up a little, you can try to start including 1 product each. In order to determine whether a product is suitable, introduce it into the diet in small portions of 30-50 grams daily, for 2 weeks. If during all this time there is no reaction, there is a high probability that there will be no reaction at all. If a child develops redness, peeling, you need to stop using the product, after 2 months you can try to introduce it again.
When breastfeeding, you cannot sit on strict diets. After six months of breastfeeding, the body wakes up after childbirth, the feeding regime is being adjusted and it is possible to achieve results in finding the desired shape. Avoid heavy sports loads - hot iron is not your option now, soft fitness is more suitable. You should not start taking medications for weight loss, even if the instructions allow you to take them during lactation, medications that reduce appetite can reduce it not only in the mother, but also in the baby. Herbal drinks for weight loss are also not recommended. As a rule, they have a laxative effect, which is fraught with the development of diarrhea in the child, in addition, some herbs can change the taste of milk for the worse. If you eat sensibly and healthy, that is, limit fats, replace meat with fish, do not lean on sweets, the arrow on the scale will definitely go down.
Important in the diet for breastfeeding is adherence to the drinking regimen. Lack of sufficient fluid can be the reason that the body does not want to part with those extra pounds. When breastfeeding, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid.