When To Introduce Complementary Foods

When To Introduce Complementary Foods
When To Introduce Complementary Foods

For the smallest babies who have just been born, the most important food is their mother's milk. It is able to provide it with all the essential nutrients. But over time, milk alone is not enough for the full growth and development of the baby. Then you need to start introducing complementary foods. Over time, adult food will replace breastfeeding or formula feeding for your baby.

When to introduce complementary foods
When to introduce complementary foods

When to start feeding your baby?

Experts in the field of baby food argue that babies who are breastfed should start introducing complementary foods no earlier than 6 months after birth. For children eating mixtures, the introduction of complementary foods is provided earlier - from 4-5 months. This approach will reduce the risk of adverse effects and allergic reactions.

From 5 months, the child is able to eat from a spoon, performing chewing movements. The reflex of pushing out thick food gradually disappears. By the age of 6 months, the baby develops, the body begins to produce enzymes necessary for the assimilation of other products besides mother's milk or mixtures.

To start the introduction of complementary foods, do not be guided only by the age of the baby. The main criterion is the child's desire. If the baby pushes food out, do not force him. It is best to postpone complementary foods for a few weeks.

Attentive mothers will easily understand when their child needs additional food besides milk. This usually occurs between the ages of 4-6 months. The baby develops an interest in adult food, he will try to grab it and pull it into his mouth. In addition, there are other signs of a baby's readiness to introduce complementary foods:

- the weight of the child has increased in comparison with the birth weight by 2 times;

- the baby sits on his own;

- holds his head well and is able to eat from a spoon;

- there is no pushing reflex, the child swallows food well;

- the baby reaches for the additive, and after eating, turns away from the spoon.

The harm of early feeding

Parents who adore their child seek to feed him something tasty. They begin to offer the baby fruit purees and curds almost from the age of one month. This initiation of complementary feeding can harm the baby's health.

Complementary foods at 3 months of age can cause gastrointestinal problems with colic, bloating, diarrhea, frequent regurgitation and even vomiting. These reactions may be minor or nonexistent. However, there are times when early groundbait causes a serious breakdown in the digestive system. The kid needs long-term recovery, and sometimes treatment.

The second unpleasant moment of the early introduction of adult food is allergic reactions. This is due to the underdevelopment of the baby's digestive and immune systems. Premature groundbait can also cause atopic dermatitis. This is an allergic skin inflammation that is difficult to treat.

Starting the introduction of complementary foods is a very individual process. You should not rely solely on the age of the child. Only care and attention to the baby will allow you to determine the most appropriate time for the introduction of new food.
