How To Introduce Complementary Foods Correctly

How To Introduce Complementary Foods Correctly
How To Introduce Complementary Foods Correctly

Many mummies begin to wonder quite early on how to properly introduce complementary foods. And in vain, until 6 months of life, the question of complementary foods simply does not exist.

How to introduce complementary foods correctly
How to introduce complementary foods correctly

In all the recommendations of pediatricians, the first rule - the introduction of complementary foods - do not start until 6 months! Feed your mom's milk or good formula.

It is correct to introduce complementary foods after this age, since, firstly, milk or a mixture no longer provides the growing needs of the baby's body, and secondly, the digestive system of the crumbs is already sufficiently prepared for taking new food. Thirdly, it is from this age that most children begin to sit on their own.

It is recommended to start complementary foods with one of two types of dishes - porridge or vegetable puree. The choice is up to mom. If the baby is six months old in summer and autumn, then it is more correct and logical to start complementary foods with vegetable puree. If this important age fell on winter and spring, then from porridge.

It is not difficult to cook porridge and mashed potatoes ourselves, but it is no worse to use industrial products for this purpose. You need to start feeding the child with new food in the most calm period for the whole family, no repairs, moving and similar disasters. Since children are vaccinated at six months, it is necessary to wait a week after the introduction of the vaccine, and then introduce complementary foods.

Ideal cereals for starting complementary foods are rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. It is undesirable to add salt and sugar to cereals. You can add 5 g of quality butter. It is better to choose the first vegetable purees from zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. They contain many useful vitamins and rarely cause allergies.

It is necessary to give porridge or vegetable puree in the second morning feeding, which usually falls at 10-11 o'clock in the morning, in order to observe the baby's reaction all day. The first test is no more than 1 teaspoon, then breastfeed or formula feed the baby. Gradually, in a week, bring the amount of the product to 100 g (for a six-month-old baby).

If during the day the mother noticed a rash, especially on the face and chest of the baby, then it is very likely that the child is allergic to the introduced product. You need to return to eating only breast milk or formula for at least another week, and then try again with another product. A new variety of porridge or mashed potatoes should be introduced no more than once a week.

Separately regarding the introduction of fruit juices and purees. Many people believe that these products should be introduced into the child's diet early, from about three months. But, according to modern pediatric recommendations, there is no need to rush with the introduction of fruits, the minimum age is 5 months. After all, both juices and purees contain fruit acids that irritate the baby's delicate stomach.

The introduction of meat should be started from 7 months, with turkey and rabbit - these are the lowest allergenic types of meat. Kefir and cottage cheese are also introduced from this age.

Introduction of fish - not earlier than 10 months. First white varieties, then red ones.

By the year, the daily diet of the crumbs should include vegetables and fruits in the form of mashed potatoes, meat and fish, both mashed potatoes and minced meat, a variety of cereals, kefir, cottage cheese, milk (mother's breast or mixture). All this is not a dogma, because every little man is individual.
