Modern life, constant stress and the desire to have a beautiful bust often lead to the fact that women are unable or deliberately refuse to breastfeed. Fortunately, the baby food market is filled with good mixtures that provide almost complete nutrition for the baby in the first months after birth. However, like babies who are breastfed, “artificial people” need complementary foods for their full development.

Step 1
You should start feeding your baby at 5 or 6 months, when the baby already begins to correctly perceive the surrounding reality and shows interest in the mother's food. However, remember that the development of the gastrointestinal tract in babies with artificial feeding lags slightly behind those who eat their mother's milk, more often they are allergic to some foods, they are less digestible. In this case, you should stop complementary feeding for several days, and if the allergy reappears, then generally exclude the allergen from the diet.
Step 2
The optimal dose for starting complementary foods is 0.5 tablespoons. And if the baby happily ate what you offered him, the next day you can already give a whole teaspoon of complementary foods. It is advisable to feed the baby before taking the mixture.
Step 3
For food, start with mashed zucchini or mashed cauliflower, finely ground buckwheat or corn porridge. Try not to salt foods when cooking, because your baby's stomach is still weak. At the next stage, already about a month after the start of complementary feeding, you can give your baby a puree of several vegetables with the addition of 2-3 drops of vegetable oil. Many people start complementary foods with mashed fruits, but nutritionists advise starting to give apples or pears puree from 8 months, when the baby has already mastered vegetables. And two tablespoons of kefir with bifidobacteria will improve the tolerance of new products.
Step 4
Meat can be started from 9 months, let it be a diet rabbit, turkey or chicken breast. Be sure to grind it in a blender until puree. You can give half a spoon along with vegetables - this way the new product is better absorbed by the baby's body. Boil light soups, but be careful with carrots and beets - they can cause allergies.
Step 5
Remember, the baby should only be given fresh food, yesterday's porridge can cause a bad stomach reaction. In addition, despite the abundance of complementary foods in stores, it will be better if you yourself prepare mashed potatoes and cereals for your baby, without additives and preservatives. Try to cook in a double boiler or just boil vegetables, fried for a baby at this age is harmful.
Step 6
Buy comfortable and bright plastic utensils for your baby to make eating fun and enjoyable. After all, it is so nice to drink juice from bright glasses, and a funny plate with fairy-tale characters will surely become your favorite.