Children do not know the postulates of healthy food. Unencumbered by the principles of wholesome nutrition, they choose what tastes good to them - sweets. Help your child not to become addicted to sweets. This will save him in the future from obesity and many health problems.

Better late
As a rule, children are taught to sweets by their own parents, and then they are surprised why the baby refuses to eat buckwheat or salad, demanding pies and casseroles instead. The later your child learns about the existence of sweets, the better it will be for him: neither chocolates nor cakes will become part of his usual diet. Of course, for this you will have to limit yourself, do not feast on sweets and cookies with a baby, do not keep them at home. Also, do not forget to ask grandparents, other relatives and your friends with whom the child communicates, so that they do not treat the baby without your permission.
Chocolate is not a reward
Chocolates, candy canes, and other sweet treats often act as rewards for the child. Sweets are solemnly awarded to the baby for good grades, washed dishes, learned poem and order in the room. This is how the belief is gradually formed: the taste of sugar is associated with the feeling that the child is good, the parents are happy with him and love him. Why not feel these emotions over and over again by stuffing more chocolate into your mouth. The way out is simple: choose another way of rewarding. Praise your kid for his success, give him small sums of money, offer to go to an amusement park or cinema together.
The child will not starve to death
Small children are often naughty and refuse to eat. Often, the whole family lined up next to such a reluctant one, playing out a whole performance, and trying to persuade the child to eat another spoon with the help of jokes and rhymes. If the child is adamant, the tasteless potatoes and cutlet are carried away, and the child is given a sweet bun or candy so that he can eat at least this. In reality, a healthy child will not die of starvation by missing a meal or two. But if he finds that he has a choice between healthy, but tasteless food, and a delicacy, he will choose the second option. When the child is not hungry, just let him leave the table hungry and give him carrots or a couple of apples with you.
Sweet replacement
Replace high-calorie sweets with less harmful foods. Instead of soda water, the baby can be offered fresh or fruit juice, instead of fatty ice cream - popsicles, instead of chocolate - marmalade or marshmallows. Also, the child can eat yogurt, fruit jelly, marshmallow, sour cream desserts. Introduce your child to delicious and healthy treats that can replace sweets and cakes.