Benefits Of Free Swaddling Newborn

Benefits Of Free Swaddling Newborn
Benefits Of Free Swaddling Newborn

Swaddling of newborns has been practiced since ancient times. And although today mothers often give preference to the use of sliders, undershirts and bodysuits, one should not forget about all the advantages of swaddling. But in order to appreciate the benefits of using diapers in caring for a baby, you should distinguish between tight and loose swaddling. It is the latter method that is recommended by pediatricians as a method suitable for crumbs from birth to six months.

Benefits of Free Swaddling Newborn
Benefits of Free Swaddling Newborn

Unlike tight swaddling, loose swaddling gives the child a sense of comfort and safety. With this swaddling, the newborn can be in a natural position for him, which excludes tight swaddling. In addition to restricting freedom, due to tight swaddling, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe, there is a danger of overheating.

Free swaddling - features

Loose or enveloping swaddling allows the newborn to quickly adapt to his new environment. In a cozy "cocoon" the baby can move its arms and legs. However, modern parents often face criticism from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who used tight swaddling in raising their own children. It was believed that such wrapping of the baby forms the correct posture, eliminates the curvature of the legs. But in fact, tight swaddling does not contribute to straightening the limbs. On the contrary, due to the unnatural position, difficulty in blood circulation, the development of the child is slower.

With free swaddling, physical activity allows the baby to know his body. But at the same time, the baby will not be alarmed, throwing up the arms, the space for movement will be slightly limited. The way it happened in the mother's womb. Most often, free swaddling is used during sleep, so that the child can sleep peacefully, feeling safe.

An important advantage of free swaddling is the versatility of the diapers. A swaddled baby will not wake up from the cold, as when covered with a blanket. Plus, diapers are more versatile than age-appropriate rompers and overalls. They will be the best choice in the cold season. One set of diapers is enough for a baby for at least six months.

When free swaddling is required

The child himself can signal the need for free swaddling. Mom can try to give up bodysuits and sliders with panties, if the baby often wakes up, is restless in her sleep, interferes with the movements of her arms and legs. The baby will feel comfortable in a warm cocoon made of diapers. It is necessary to abandon the idea of free swaddling if the child expresses dissatisfaction in the event of a violation of muscle tone. Also, it is not worth swaddling a newborn during the day and at night if the room is hot. This creates a risk of overheating.

When swaddling freely, it is important to follow the correct swaddling technique. For this, it is worth studying special videos. The general nuances are simple - the diaper should not be tied at the level of the hips or legs. The lower limbs must be bent at the knees so that the child takes a physiological pose (also called the "frog" pose). You can swaddle the baby completely, leaving the upper edge of the diaper at the neck level, or partially, when the handles remain free.

The undoubted advantage of free swaddling is the absence of a greenhouse effect, the air circulates freely inside the diaper, so the baby will not sweat. Also, with this swaddling, the baby's lungs work to the fullest. It has been proven that free swaddling helps to strengthen immunity, early hardening. And, importantly, with free swaddling, the baby can sleep on its side or stomach, in such positions it will be comfortable for him. Do not forget about the development of touch, tactile sensations, fine motor skills with free swaddling, which doctors call the "golden mean".

Free swaddling is often recommended to prevent hip dysplasia. In addition to diapers made of soft natural fabrics, you can use special envelopes for newborns, which also do not restrict freedom of movement.
