After birth, the child is introduced to the outside world. The frequency of his diseases will depend on the care of his parents. Scientists have found that children with frequent illnesses do not have clinically significant differences compared to infrequently ill children with infectious diseases. Prevention is central to protecting babies from infection.

Step 1
Protect your child from infection. An infectious patient at home should wear a mask. After handling it, wash your hands with soap and water. Do not take your children to kindergarten or school if there are signs of illness. Ventilate the room more often. During epidemics, limit travel in public transport, visits to public places.
Step 2
Follow your baby's sleep schedule. The kid should get good sleep at night. The approximate duration of sleep should be from 2 years old - thirteen hours, from 4 years old - eleven hours, from 6 years old - nine hours. Before bed, play quiet games with your child, read books, do not watch TV.
Step 3
Monitor the balance and completeness of baby food, adherence to the diet. It is necessary that he gets enough vitamins from vegetables and fruits. In winter, conduct courses of taking multivitamin complexes.
Step 4
Temper your child. Achieve a hardening effect with the contrast of the water, not the low temperature. The temperature in the room where the baby lives should not be higher than twenty degrees.
Step 5
Walk more. On a walk, the child should not overheat; dress him comparable to an adult.
Step 6
Exercise with your child. With babies, do massage, passive and active gymnastics. Place older children in the section. You can place a massage mat in the bathroom, while washing your face, the child will simultaneously massage the feet.
Step 7
Get vaccinated against infection. Doctors recommend vaccinating frequently ill children against influenza and pneumococcal infections.
Step 8
During epidemics, use oxolinic ointment before going outside - anoint the child's nose. Flush your nasal passages morning and evening with any seawater-based product or prepare yourself. Use interferons for influenza and acute respiratory infections. Try homeopathic remedies.
Step 9
Be sure to vaccinate your child against dangerous diseases included in the National Calendar in the first years of life. There are safe comprehensive vaccines against tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, rubella, etc.
Step 10
Remember that your baby's health is built during pregnancy. The expectant mother herself needs to lead a correct lifestyle, eat well, temper, take vitamins, and exercise for pregnant women.