A huge number of manufacturers offer their diapers today. It can be difficult for new mothers to determine the best in these many products, and they are guided by the price or advice of friends. However, the choice of diapers should be taken more seriously.

All diapers are made up of three layers. The first allows moisture to pass through, the second absorbs it and retains it inside, the third protects the diaper from leaking outside. The most important layer is absorbent. It can be composed of cellulose or superabsorbent, a special gelling agent. Disposable diapers can be divided into three groups - simple, advanced, and advanced. Plain diapers are designed for short-term use, such as walking. The absorbent layer of simple models is not too thick and consists of cellulose and a small amount of superabsorbent. The absorbent layer of improved diapers contains a thicker superabsorbent layer. In addition, these models usually have a protective layer that protects the skin from contact with urine. These diapers are designed for a baby's night sleep. Premium advanced diapers are the most expensive. They are often called "breathable" due to the presence of a special porous fabric that can allow air to pass through but retain moisture. In addition, reusable fasteners and care products applied to the surface in contact with the skin are a sign of an advanced diaper. You can also divide diapers according to their intended purpose: for boys, for girls and universal. Their difference is in the location of the adsorbent layer. For models for girls, it is located at the bottom and back, for models for boys - closer to the stomach. For universal models, the adsorbent is evenly distributed over the entire absorption zone. All disposable diapers are divided by size. The package usually indicates the weight of the child. But if your baby weighs 4 kilograms, you can use diapers 2-5 kg or 3-6 kg. To choose, buy 1-2 pieces of each type and try on. Those that fit snugly, but do not squeeze or chafe the baby's skin, are good for you. When buying, pay attention to the fasteners of the diaper. It is best if they are reusable, wide and soft. It is very convenient if there are markings on the fasteners - then you can fasten the diaper perfectly straight. Whether you were able to choose the right diaper, your baby will tell you. If he is comfortable, he sleeps peacefully - your choice is correct. But if the child is worried, he has a rash, irritation or abrasions on the skin - you should be more careful about choosing a disposable diaper.