Mother's milk is the best food for a newborn. It is very important for a woman to follow the rules of feeding, as this will affect the baby's sleep, skin condition, muscle tone, etc.

Step 1
Before feeding the mother, you need to wash your hands, wash the mammary glands with boiled water and dry with a towel.
Step 2
The woman's hand should support the baby's body. The index and middle fingers squeeze the nipple at the edge of the areola from above and below for its greatest protrusion forward. In this case, the nipple and areola should be placed in the baby's mouth. At first, the duration of feedings can be 30 minutes, and by 7 days of life, it is reduced to 15-10 minutes.
Step 3
After finishing feeding, the baby is held upright for several minutes so that the swallowed air burps. Then the child is placed on its side.
Step 4
The mammary gland should be rinsed with water. The nipple is lubricated with cream so that irritation does not appear.
Step 5
You need to put the baby on each feed only on one breast and strictly alternate them. If milk remains, it must be expressed.
Step 6
A newborn under two months of age usually eats a fifth of its body weight. If the child "asked" for milk earlier, then it can sometimes be rejected in one direction or another in time. But next time you need to feed according to the regimen.