Not so long ago, the question whether it was necessary to swaddle a small child did not even arise. Doubts began to appear when rumors circulated among young progressive parents that swaddling could harm the baby, so it is advisable to look for an alternative to him.

- - diapers;
- - sliders;
- - means for caring for a child.
Step 1
In the old days, in maternity hospitals, children were swaddled tightly, arms and legs stretched out. The swaddled child was fixed as if at attention. Now, tight swaddling is considered harmful, very badly reflected in the development of babies. For example, rigid fixation of the child's legs contradicts his normal physiological position. The legs of a newborn baby should be slightly unfolded - at this age, this is the most natural and correct position for them.
Step 2
There is another type of swaddling - the so-called free, in which the child can move his arms and legs, take the position that is most comfortable for him. Whether it is worth swaddling a child, parents decide on their own, there are no contraindications to this. But if it is already decided to swaddle, then it is better to choose a method in which the child feels more free.
Step 3
Swaddling tightly can make breathing difficult and even slow down blood circulation. It can also interfere with your baby's sense of touch. If a child is deprived of the opportunity to move his legs and arms, he begins to become aware of them at about six months. Free swaddling helps your baby to quickly get used to his hands and learn how to use them.
Step 4
Loose, light clothing for the baby is not only not to the detriment - on the contrary, this way he will quickly learn to control the limbs, can move more, develop faster and gain weight. In the heat, the diapers are uncomfortable - you can easily overheat the baby, and when washing, it is much easier to handle the undershirts and sliders. They also require less water and less powder and dry faster when washed.