For a certain time you have been breastfeeding the baby, and now the time has come to transfer the little one to "adult" food. It is important to do this correctly so that the weaning process is painless for both the baby and the mother.

Step 1
Wean your baby gradually. Begin this process with the introduction of complementary foods. For example, instead of breast, offer porridge or fruit puree in a bright plate for your baby's breakfast. And then drink water, juice or dried fruit compote.
Step 2
Once full, the baby does not want breast milk. And over time, he will get used to the fact that he eats porridge or mashed potatoes for breakfast. After weaning the toddler from morning breastfeeding, start weaning from daytime, and then from nighttime.
Step 3
Encourage your child to drink more often throughout the day to keep them from feeling thirsty. Also, from time to time, give him a slice of apple, banana, pear, cookies. And leave a bottle or sippy cup of juice on your bedside table at night.
Step 4
If the baby sleeps with you, “move” him into the crib during the weaning process. This way he won't be tempted to get to your breasts on his own.
Step 5
The next method, known to our grandmothers, is to smear the nipple with mustard before feeding. Having licked the "tasteless" sauce, the baby will not want to suckle. In this case, you must keep a bottle of expressed breast milk or formula ready.
Step 6
If for some reason you need to wean the baby from the breast quickly, there is also such a radical way as the temporary separation of the mother and child. A son or daughter is given to a grandmother or another close family member, whom the little one knows well, for a few days. During this time, the baby weaned from the breast, and, having returned home, no longer requires breast milk.
Step 7
But not all children can endure separation from their mother without consequences. After all, parting with the closest person is a great stress that will affect the psyche of the little man. Therefore, this method should be used exclusively in emergency cases. For example, if you get pregnant again or have a medical condition that requires you to complete lactation to treat it.
Step 8
The baby is asking for a breast not only to eat or drink. With the help of the sucking reflex, the toddler also calms down and falls asleep. Therefore, in the process of weaning, it is important to find a new way to meet these needs. It is now important for the crumbs to spend more time with their parents. Play with the little one, read fairy tales to him, show him colorful pictures, hug, kiss. Do your best to keep him as little negative as possible.