How To Make Your Baby Eat

How To Make Your Baby Eat
How To Make Your Baby Eat

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Young children grow and develop rapidly. Their skills, skills, needs, character are changing. It is during this period that parents most often face the problem of feeding the baby. If a child does not eat well, then the reason must be sought in the methods and means of your upbringing. If the family strictly adheres to the hours of food intake, there is no need to complain about the baby's poor appetite while eating.

How to make your baby eat
How to make your baby eat


Establish a clear diet in the first year of a child's life, educate your baby on your own, exclude snacks, walk in the fresh air more often


Step 1

There are families in which children are taught to eat to the songs and dances of grandparents. It's not about appetite, it's just that the child was spoiled with excessive attention. It gives him pleasure, becomes a habit. It is difficult to force a baby to eat in such a family. Grandparents want to pamper their grandchildren. And the child's parents are uncomfortable to make a remark to their elders. So it turns out a vicious circle. Therefore, if you live with your parents, then take on the main care of raising your baby. Then they will not be so actively involved in this process. It's no secret that often young parents try to transfer all child care to their dads and moms. And grandparents try not to deny their grandchildren anything. So problems of this kind arise in the future.

Step 2

The daily routine plays an important role in feeding the baby. Children living on a regimen are less moody and eat better. This is due to the fact that they develop a certain reflex. Their stomach begins to "beg" for food at the same time. Therefore, such children always eat with appetite, without any persuasion.

Avoid snacking on buns, sweets, or cookies between meals. If you deny him such "snacks", you will see: in two hours he will ask for food. Sweets, fruits, berries must be given at set hours. Since they contain sugar. And it lowers saliva production for a long time.

Step 3

It is necessary to feed the baby only when he himself wants it. Experts believe that the main thing is not to feed the child. Indeed, many parents only think that the child is not eating. They should know that it is not common for a child to starve. When the body requires food, the child always eats. A baby's poor appetite can be associated with infrequent walks. Walk with him more often in the fresh air.

Step 4

Try to diversify your meals. Monotonous food quickly bothers the child. A beautiful and original table decoration contributes to a good appetite. By the age of three, you can already arrange meals with your child. This will not only help you feed him tantrums, but also develop his imagination and creativity.
