How To Feed A Three-year-old Child With Meat

How To Feed A Three-year-old Child With Meat
How To Feed A Three-year-old Child With Meat

Despite the fact that loving parents try to make the children's menu as diverse and useful as possible, children often have their own opinion about what should be present in it. Each family has its own stumbling blocks, one of which may be meat, which not every three-year-old can be persuaded to eat.

How to feed a three-year-old child with meat
How to feed a three-year-old child with meat

The child does not eat meat

Meat is a source of animal protein and is necessary for the full development of the body, but situations when a child refuses meat in any form are quite common, therefore, it is not worth making a tragedy out of this. Firstly, the taste preferences of children change quite quickly and it is quite possible that after a while he will appreciate the taste of this or that meat product, which will reassure the parents.

Secondly, instead of making a scandal from every meal and trying to feed the baby with meat that he does not like so much, it is much more beneficial for both digestion and the nervous system to choose alternative products to meat. If a child is ready to eat a particular type of meat or a dish from it, you can not worry that his menu is not diverse. Any type of meat is a source of protein, and food abundance is more a sign of a socially prosperous society.

Substances found in meat can also be found in fish and seafood, cheeses, nuts, legumes, broccoli.

Is it necessary to force the child to eat meat

You should not force-feed a child with any product, as this is unnatural and can lead to psychological trauma. Food should be fun, not associated with punishment, scandal, or torture. It's bad when they try to make a cult out of it. Therefore, it makes sense to be cunning, and not try to blackmail with the absence of TV or sweets while giving up meat, this will not lead to anything good.

One of the consequences of force feeding is provoking a child to vomit, and this is another reason why you should not try to break taste preferences by force.

Meat dishes for a child of three years old

Here you can go in two ways: either serve non-traditional and original familiar dishes, or add meat to those foods that the child eats. An example of the first approach would be meatballs or miniature cutlets, which have spaghetti stuck all over the top, making them look like prickly hedgehogs. Or a snowman made from meatballs and decorated with real carrots and an egg white bucket on its head.

As for the options for dishes where you can add meat for a three-year-old child, there are practically no restrictions. These can be homemade dumplings, minced meat pies, pancakes, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers. Minced meat can be added to pasta, which many children are happy to eat, stir in soup or porridge. So all that remains is to show imagination and find the recipe that the child will like.
