A fast growing child needs a balanced and varied diet. The diet should contain vitamins, minerals and proteins - the main "builders" of all cells in the body. Meat is the main source of protein. From 7 months, start giving your baby meat puree. When the child grows up, introduce cutlets, meatballs and other meat dishes into the diet. If the baby is naughty and refuses to eat meat, you can resort to some little tricks.

Step 1
Perhaps the child did not like beef or chicken. Try a different type of meat. For example, make veal meatballs or tender rabbit fillets. Bake the meat in a mouth-watering and crispy breading of cornflakes, oatmeal, sesame seeds, or bread crumbs. Chop or cutlets can be poured with a pleasant sweetish sauce, as long as it is not too spicy.
Step 2
Try to turn an ordinary everyday meal into a small celebration. Give your food an appealing look. Build a funny face or animal figurine out of food. The little gourmet will be delighted and will certainly appreciate your culinary art.
Step 3
Many kids love fresh baked goods. Prepare your child with empanadas, casseroles, rolls, or pies. For older children, treat yourself to a festive pizza with several meats.
Step 4
Cheat and stir some meat into another dish. Grind the finished meat well, it is better to do this in a blender and add to food. For this, a turkey or chicken is suitable, they will be invisible among other products.
Step 5
You should not get angry and try to feed the little choosy meat every day. This can cause childish protest, and the baby will abandon it for a long time. Offer only meat dishes a few times a week, the child will miss the variety of food and, finally, appreciate your efforts.