After the parents divorce, the child is left to live with one of them. The second parent pays child support until the age of majority. The child has the right to communicate with both parents, must know all his relatives and communicate with them. It is impossible to prohibit doing this out of personal hatred or some kind of your own motives. If parents cannot agree among themselves peacefully on the procedure and time for communication with their son or daughter, then this is decided by the district court with the participation of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

- - the passport;
- - application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
- - application to the district court;
- - a package of hard evidence.
Step 1
Divorce of parents hurts the fragile psyche of children. The child loves mom and dad equally and it is not his fault that adults could not live together. In such a difficult period, he must be protected in every possible way from deep mental trauma and not interfere with communication with the other parent and his relatives. The rights of a minor to know his relatives and communicate with both parents are enshrined in law.
Step 2
Often, the parent with whom the child was left experiences negative emotions towards the second spouse, but this does not allow him to limit communication with his son or daughter. Communication can be limited or interrupted only if it is in the best interests of the child. To do this, you must notify the guardianship and guardianship authorities in writing, and submit an application to the district court.
Step 3
For the court to consider this case, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that the restriction or interruption of communication with the child will be in the interests of the minor. This can be documentary evidence that the second parent negatively affects the child's psyche, does not pay maintenance, is a drug addict or alcoholic and comes on a date in an inappropriate way: in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.
Step 4
Communication can be limited or interrupted only by a court decision. In all other cases, it is illegal to prevent a child from communicating with the other parent or his relatives. A parent with whom communication is interrupted or restricted can file a counterclaim and provide evidence that the son or daughter needs communication with him and that he is a worthy citizen to communicate with his child.