How Men Look At Women's Bodies

How Men Look At Women's Bodies
How Men Look At Women's Bodies

In order to please men, women take care of themselves, use some tricks that allow them to become even more beautiful. But male and female views of the beauty of the human body may differ. If there is a desire to become the most desirable for a loved one, you need to know how representatives of a strong sex look at women's bodies and what they evaluate first of all.

How men look at women's bodies
How men look at women's bodies

Modern women take good care of themselves, try to keep their bodies in perfect condition, and regularly lose weight. But in reality, many manipulations are not very important. To understand whether a woman likes or not, a man needs only a few seconds. These are the conclusions reached by psychologists who have conducted a number of studies. To carry out more purposeful work on themselves, women need to know how men look at their bodies, what they first of all pay attention to.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Contrary to popular misconception, when meeting a woman, the first thing a man pays attention to is her eyes. A glance can tell a lot. It betrays a woman's temperament, character. If a girl knows how to emphasize it, the chances of achieving success in men are quite high. Many women know how to "shoot with their eyes." This skill helps to attract the opposite sex, to liberate the chosen one.

Men pay attention not only to the eyes, but also to the rest of the face. Everyone's idea of beauty may be different, but there are general assessment criteria. Looking at a woman's face, men assess not only the correct proportions, the elegance of individual features, but also the state of health. Health problems are always reflected in the appearance. Gray or yellowish skin color, dull eyes, brittle hair, bruises under the eyes - all this is very repulsive, it does not look very beautiful. Makeup matters a lot. The abundance of tonal means on the skin suggests that with the help of cosmetics a woman is trying to hide something.

Chest and hips

Women's breasts and hips are body parts that men must pay attention to. Most of the stronger sex like curvy girls with rounded hips. But in this case, there are no uniform standards. Everyone can have their own ideas about beauty. Standards can also change with age. Young guys often like skinny girls with weak breasts and a boyish figure. But closer to the age of 25, a man already accumulates considerable experience of communicating with women, his aesthetic taste preferences change somewhat and become more demanding and sophisticated. With the transition to another age category, women with rounded hips begin to like. Experts find an explanation for this. They believe that men unconsciously choose women "in the body", as it has long been a sign of health and fertility.


Many men consider the belly to be one of the sexiest parts of a woman's body. A woman, her strength, attraction begins with him. It is not for nothing that many practices, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of the opposite sex and reveal their potential, are associated with releasing tension in the abdomen, belly dancing, and breathing techniques. Choosing short T-shirts and other clothes with an open belly, women become even more attractive in the eyes of men.


It is generally accepted that the ideal of female beauty is impeccable harmony. Images of skinny top models appear before my eyes. In fact, this criterion was invented by the women themselves. According to the results of numerous studies, thin figures are liked by no more than 10% of the stronger sex. The rest prefer girls with rounded shapes.

For the overwhelming majority of men, the assessment of the female figure occurs at some unconscious level. For them, it is not any specific figures that characterize the volumes that are important, but the difference between the waist and hips. Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to figures that resemble a guitar. They consider such bodies to be very feminine and seductive. In this case, it is not necessary that the proportions be ideal.


Inner attraction

Despite the fact that every man has the standards used in assessing the female body, they fall in love with the nature, the nature of a woman, and the face and figure are admired after. Poets praising plump lips and thin stature simply describe the reflection of the light they saw on the body of their beloved. It often happens that a man falls in love with a completely different type and cannot understand what attracted him so much. Pre-arranged images of ideal beauty are crumbling before our eyes.

Men feel beauty not only with their eyes. It would be too simple and boring. They scan movements, head turns, gait. Every woman is endowed with her own unique grace. It cannot be copied, but it can be developed. You just need to believe in your own attractiveness and allow yourself to be yourself.
