Parents are most annoyed by childish lies. As a rule, a lie is revealed at a certain stage of a child's development. It's a pity, but in most cases parents are only interested in one question: how to punish a child. But few people think - what are the reasons?

Lying as protection
A child can lie if he is afraid of punishment. At first, the child hides something out of fear of punishment, then he begins to cheat and learns not to speak out. As a rule, a lying teenager is not tormented by remorse, because he perceives his lies as a manifestation of ingenuity. Lying in a child can begin to develop as early as four years old.
Lies as revenge
The little liar suffers from a lack of attention or love from others, which affects his communication and self-esteem. Consequently, the teenager perceives the world around him as hostile. And so he begins to deceive in order to give his anger some way out. Seeing perfectly well that lying annoys parents, he tries to lie as much as possible, not paying attention to punishment. Also, with the help of lies, adolescents prove their independence. It happens that they compete with each other - who will lie the most. The success of deception and its impunity strengthens the belief that this is a great opportunity for the child to triumph over his offenders. As a rule, a "successful" lie determines the development of a person.
Braggers and dreamers
By misleading or distorting facts, adults usually get out of a difficult situation or make it easier for themselves both personal and business life. Our children see and remember this. Boasters and visionaries are unsuccessful and unpopular adolescents who, through such lies, speak false information about themselves in the hope of raising themselves in the eyes of others.
This is a completely different type of dreamer who uses deception in order to protect himself, embellish his dignity and, of course, amuse himself and others. This is probably the most innocent and safest type of deception, because it is disinterested.