Preparing For Kindergarten

Preparing For Kindergarten
Preparing For Kindergarten

Most modern parents sooner or later face the need to send their child to kindergarten. To make this process easier for the child and for the parents, it is worthwhile to start preparing the child for this moment in advance.

Preparing for kindergarten
Preparing for kindergarten

The most important thing to teach a child before going to kindergarten is basic self-care skills. The child must be taught to independently go to the toilet, eat. This is necessary, in part, because it can be difficult for a child to ask for help from an adult they don't know much. And the educator at first is just that for the child. And not reaching the pot on time, the child will be ashamed and embarrassed. And this will definitely not add to his desire to go to kindergarten.

The ability to eat on your own is also a must. In this case, it is advisable to accustom the child to different foods. After all, in a kindergarten on an individual order, no one will cook and the child will need to eat the same as the others. Otherwise, the child may simply remain hungry.

Parents should start telling their child about kindergarten in advance. How children spend time there, what they do. In order for the parents' stories to be reliable and the baby's expectations to coincide with reality, you can go to the kindergarten where you plan to send the child and ask the teachers in detail about the lessons, about the daily routine.

By the way, it is also worth starting to get used to the daily routine in advance. So that by the time of going to kindergarten, this regime is already familiar to the child. The very process of joining a team can become quite difficult for a child, so why complicate a child's life by simultaneously introducing so many innovations.

If the kindergarten is located near the place of residence of the family, then you can start walking with your child near it. So the child will get used to the route of the walk, to the look of the kindergarten itself. After all, it is much easier to go to a familiar and familiar place than to a completely new one. In addition, the child will see other children playing in the kindergarten yard. This may well become an additional incentive for the child to want to go to kindergarten.

Thus, the main condition for all parents' actions is smoothness and gradualness. Rules and rituals new to the child should be introduced into his life gradually, one by one. Then the subsequent addiction to kindergarten will go smoothly for both the child and the parents.
