Preparing a baby for kindergarten is not an easy task for parents. To facilitate the adaptation process, parents should know:

- adjust the life of the baby at home to the daily routine of the garden, so the child can get used to it. Try to interest and arouse a desire in the child to go to kindergarten, show the building of the kindergarten during walks and see how the children walk, tell about their life. Explain that it is important for children to go to kindergarten, as it is for parents to go to work.
At first, you should not leave the child in the garden for the whole day, because it will not be easy for the baby to get used to the rules. Teach him how to dress independently, fold clothes, hold a spoon and eat.
Never frighten your child with a kindergarten, this will only worsen the process of habituation. Teach your child to interact with peers. Take turns with your child and your husband, so it will be easier for the child to say goodbye. Before sending your child to kindergarten, you need to undergo a complete medical examination.
Teach the child the elementary rules of behavior, explain to him that it is impossible to fight and bite, take other people's things, leave the garden alone or with a stranger.
A child begins to perceive the world around him differently from an adult, often his fantasies are intertwined with reality, and when the child lies, he sincerely believes in it. It is important for parents to learn to distinguish between their own child's fantasies and real lies. The child learns to lie from his parents, so don't forget about it.
You need to scold a child only on business, if you demand obedience in everything, then he will grow up dependent and lack of initiative.
Explain to your child the difference between boys and girls. The kid needs to know whether he is a boy or a girl, in the garden the child will see the difference between the sexes, and the main thing is that this does not come as a shock to the child.
Praise him for his success, be tactful and patient and everything will work out.