How To Name A November Child

How To Name A November Child
How To Name A November Child

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"November children" are born mainly under the sign of Scorpio, based on this, they should choose names that soften the complex character traits characteristic of this zodiac sign.


Step 1

Scorpios are distinguished by their prudence and cunning, they value material benefits. This zodiac sign can be overly stingy, although it rarely spares money on itself.

Step 2

November women and men are most often pronounced individualists who prefer to hide the details of their lives, even from loved ones. They rarely look back on public opinion, listen to advice, or take the interests of others into account. In addition, Scorpios are prone to conflict, often weave intrigues and skillfully manipulate people.

Step 3

They do not know how to trust people and rely on them, so they often become workaholics, preferring to do all the work on their own. It is very difficult for such people to work in a team.

Step 4

November people are often quite successful in realizing themselves in business, programming, law, art. They make good, albeit rather strict, teachers and pedantic scientists.

Step 5

In a love relationship, women and men born in November do not show their best side. They are characterized by stubbornness and irascibility. Their tendency to manipulate makes it difficult to build harmonious relationships in the family, moreover, they prefer to dominate, which is not to everyone's taste.

Step 6

November people do not have too many friends, as they hardly show sympathy and warmth. They despise the weaknesses of other people, so they rarely come to the rescue. As a result, it is quite difficult for Scorpios to have at least a friendly relationship, which implies a certain emotional closeness.

Step 7

All these negative and complex character traits can be tried to mitigate with the right name. For boys born in November, names such as Maxim, Gregory, Philip, Victor, Artem, Mikhail, Konstantin, Yakov, Ivan, Sergey, Stepan or Alexander are best suited. All these names make their owners more generous, open, soften their tendency to conflict and aggression.

Step 8

The names Elizabeth, Irina, Maria, Anna, Elena, Natalia, Anastasia, Lyubov, Claudia and Vera are suitable for girls. These names add femininity and softness to their owners, which are often lacking in November girls.

Step 9

The least suitable names for children born in November are Nikolai, Dmitry, Marina, Margarita, Ekaterina. They only add rigidity, irascibility and intransigence to their carriers.
