Life is a constant choice. Every second of his being, a person decides something for himself. And if minor everyday issues are resolved at one moment, then more significant problems can cause some difficulties.

Step 1
No matter how trite it may seem, the power is in knowledge. And in this case - in information. Here, exactly, is the very essence of the question. After all, precisely because of the lack of the necessary information, a person cannot make a decision in time, putting it on the back burner. Doubts and worries interfere with the resolution of the situation and only exacerbate it. Problems gradually accumulate and turn life into a nightmare. And collecting information allows you to understand the problem and take the necessary actions to eliminate it.
Step 2
But information and information are different, and in order to resolve the issue, you need to collect everything, even the most insignificant, facts. The fact is that it is human nature to justify their actions. And in making a decision, many are guided by this moment. That is, attention is paid only to what is obvious. Any other information that causes fear or anxiety is usually ignored. This slows down the progress of affairs. For the process to be effective, you need to collect information objectively and soberly.
Step 3
Any emotions will interfere with looking at the situation from the outside. Therefore, you need to present the problem separately from yourself, as if everything is happening to someone else. This helps to be impartial in collecting information. After that, you can calmly search for the necessary facts.
Step 4
First of all, you need to pay attention to those moments that contradict desires. No matter how unpleasant they may seem, they need to be identified immediately. And after that you can figure out the rest. Ideally, you should outline the problem and information about it on a piece of paper. This will help organize thoughts and facilitate the perception of facts.
Step 5
The collected information must be analyzed and concluded on each point. You need to analyze all possible options. There is no need to regret this time - it will be justified. As thoughts appear on paper, the situation will become clearer. The way of resolving the issue will become clear. As a rule, people, having resorted to collecting information and analyzing it, solve the problem at this stage. Many then wonder how simple and obvious everything turned out to be - the solution lay on the surface. Just because of unnecessary emotions it was difficult to guess.
Step 6
After the work done to find the right paths, you need to bring them to life. This is perhaps the most important thing. It can take forever from making a decision to executing it. The problem will not go away by itself - you need to act immediately.
Step 7
And yet, after the decision has been made, there is no need to revise it. Extra agony about this is not needed.
Step 8
Information, as the basis for decision-making, helps to make a choice not only quickly, but also as correctly as possible. And when the situation is difficult and requires immediate action, relying on intuition is too risky. And only this method will give the desired result.