How To Raise The Temperature Of A Child

How To Raise The Temperature Of A Child
How To Raise The Temperature Of A Child

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In absolutely healthy children, the body temperature changes several times during the day. The lowest indicators of the baby's body temperature are observed, as a rule, in the early morning, when the child's body is in a relaxed and calm state for a long time. A decrease in body temperature in children, combined with loss of appetite, weakness and lethargy, is also often noted after the child has suffered from colds. The body temperature of premature babies is usually also below normal. Raising the temperature of a child to normal levels is not so difficult.

Body temperature in premature babies is usually lowered
Body temperature in premature babies is usually lowered


Step 1

If the baby is premature, and his body temperature is slightly lower than the norm, the baby should be held more often in his arms, leaning against his chest. Mom's warmth will help the baby to quickly adapt to the new conditions of the world around him.

Step 2

If the body temperature is slightly reduced in an older child, for example, two years old, do not dress the baby too lightly. On the contrary, you should choose warmer clothes for him. Particular attention should be paid to keeping the baby's feet warm all the time.

Step 3

If the child's body temperature has dropped in the winter season, it is advisable to either abandon walks altogether, or reduce their duration to a minimum.

Step 4

In the diet of a child with a low body temperature, it is necessary to add more fruits and vegetables, which help to activate the defenses of the child's body.

Step 5

To raise the temperature of the child, you need to put him to bed next to you until the temperature of the baby's body returns to normal.

Step 6

A baby with a low body temperature should be given more hot food and warm drinks.

Step 7

A drop in the body temperature of a child for no apparent reason may be a sign of a decrease in his immunity. In this case, the child must be shown not only to the pediatrician, but also to the pediatric immunologist.
