After pregnancy, women are very careful about their health, try not to catch a cold or get sick in order to feed a healthy baby. But seasonal ARI is easy to earn. Therefore, you need to be fully armed and know what to do if a nursing mother has a temperature.

Breastfeeding with hyperthermia
There is no need to wean the baby. More recently, there was the opposite opinion, breastfeeding at a temperature in the mother immediately stopped. Modern science has proven that mother's hyperthermia helps more than hurts, in case of viral diseases. Together with milk, the baby receives protective antibodies that help his body to resist diseases in the future. If you stop feeding, then the baby with fragile immunity will have to fight the invasion of viruses on its own.
It is also advised to express milk and boil before feeding. Expressing six to seven times a day with hyperthermia is very difficult to tolerate. Boiling deprives milk of most of its protective substances, they are destroyed, while temperature does not affect its composition.
How to treat, so as not to harm
Temperature in case of viral "colds" diseases is knocked down with Paracetamol or preparations based on it. Unlike aspirin, it will not harm your baby. You can reduce the temperature of a nursing woman with just one tablet of medication. The medicine should be abandoned if the mother normally tolerates hyperthermia, since this is a protective reaction of the body. To relieve the symptoms of the disease, you can use a gargle for the throat, inhalation, and more.
Otitis media, sore throat or pneumonia are treated with antibacterial agents prescribed by the attending doctor. Drugs compatible with breastfeeding are selected. Prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to dysbiosis in a child.
How to take and when to feed
Any medication should be taken only as directed by a doctor, having previously informed him about breastfeeding. You also need to carefully read the instructions for the medicine, find out the side effects and contraindications. To reduce the temperature, the use of paracetamol-based suppositories is common, the main advantage of which is the smallest ingestion of the drug into the blood.
It is important to remember that feeding the baby at mother's temperature should be carried out during the first intake of medicines. The maximum concentration of the drug in the patient's blood occurs at the end of the first hour after administration. Then milk should be expressed 60 minutes before the treatment and fed to the baby, after 2-3 hours it should be expressed again (be sure to pour it out). After another hour, you can put the baby to the breast. Thus, it will be possible to avoid getting the active medication into the baby's body.