Many couples planning a pregnancy want a baby of a certain gender and are trying in every possible way to outwit nature in their intentions. Some dream of a future protector, others of a princess. Of course, the most important thing is the health of the child, but if the parents already have one or more sons, it is difficult to resist the desire to give birth to them a sister. It is clear that no one way will give a 100% guarantee of the birth of a daughter, but you can try.

Step 1
Try to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is known that the sex of a child depends on the sperm, or rather, on their type. If a female egg is fertilized by a sperm carrying the X chromosome, then the couple will have a girl. If the carrier of the Y chromosome is a boy. The latter are more mobile, but the former are more tenacious. With frequent sexual intercourse, the concentration of Y chromosomes near the maturing female egg becomes higher, which means that it is highly likely that you will have a son. For the conception of a girl, it is enough to have sex once a week, by the time of ovulation, mainly spermatozoa will remain alive, carrying genetic material for the future daughter.
Step 2
Track your ovulation. In order not to miss the moment of egg maturation, it is recommended to do an ultrasound scan at least once every two days. An additional assistant in determining the right day are special pharmacy tests. To conceive a girl, you need to have sex a few days before the expected ovulation. In this case, the fast "male" spermatozoa will be the first to reach the target, but they will die without waiting for the egg cell to mature. But the sperm with the X chromosome, alive and well, will reach their destination just at the right time.
Step 3
Follow a special diet. To conceive a girl, a woman a month before the expected pregnancy should limit herself to meat and put on vegetables and dairy products. But it must be remembered that a woman's body needs good nutrition, therefore, after conception, the diet should be abandoned.