The gender of the child is a very important component for future parents, and therefore they cannot wait to get to know him as soon as possible. In addition, many at a certain stage in their lives thought that if it is possible to plan a pregnancy, then it might somehow be possible to plan the gender of your baby. Let's consider the most well-known methods.

Many parents-to-be, before planning a pregnancy, study the literature and the Internet in search of ways to plan the sex of the child. Yes, indeed, some methods are known, but in any case, you should be aware that none of them will give you a 100% guarantee.
- So be it. they will say. - We'll at least try.
Method 1: Dependence on the activity of sexual activity.
If you often make love, then the composition of the sperm does not have time to update and in such cases it is more likely that there will be a girl, but with rare sexual intercourse, the sperm is updated and the chances of conceiving a boy are greater.
Method 2: By the proximity of ovulation.
Male spermatozoa that carry the y chromosome are faster, but less viable than girls with the x chromosome. And only a day is given for fertilization. Accordingly, if sexual intercourse occurred 1-3 days before ovulation, then the chances are greater for the girl, and if on the day of ovulation, for the boy.
Method 3: On a special diet.
Some believe that the sex of the baby depends on the chemical composition of the products that the parents-to-be consume. The result is the following table:
+: you need to eat more.
-: to be limited or excluded.
+/-: neutral product.

Method 4: Ancient Chinese.
We connect the month of conception with the age of the expectant mother and get the result.

Method 5: Japanese.

Method 6: According to folk signs and fortune-telling.
1. The Greeks believed that it is easier to conceive a boy in the summer, and girls in the winter.
2. If you want a son, put an ax under your mother's pillow, and if you want a daughter, put ribbons.
3. At the moment of conception, the expectant mother needs to lie with her head towards the south for the baby and towards the north for the baby.
That's all the advice for parents-to-be who care about the gender of the child. Do your best and you might get lucky. But remember: the main thing is that the baby is long-awaited and healthy!
PS: If the pregnancy has already begun, you cannot influence the sex of the baby in any way.