Discharge after childbirth is an integral and integral part of the overall reproduction process. Their abundance, type and duration depend on the body and health of the woman. From them you can understand how well the recovery process after childbirth is proceeding.

Why are there discharge after childbirth
They appear regardless of how a woman gave birth to a child - on her own or with the help of a cesarean section. Discharge begins after the release of the placenta, which was firmly anchored in the uterus by blood vessels. Common vessels connecting the placenta and the surface of the uterus form a wound surface from which blood oozes. Uterine contractions compress the ruptured vessels and the rupture closes over time. But this does not happen immediately, and sometimes problems appear during wound healing. That is why you should listen to your feelings and consult a doctor in time.
To determine the condition of a woman in labor after childbirth, the main diagnostic criterion for the attending physician is the smell and duration of postpartum discharge. Their consistency and density, character and time when they become scarce and transparent are also evaluated.
The postpartum period does not occur after the birth of the child, but after the placenta is separated. In obstetrics, an early postpartum period lasting 2 hours is distinguished, and a late period, which is individual in nature, the duration of which can be from 6 to 8 weeks.
How long the late postpartum period will last depends on several interacting factors, and the time required for this can only be roughly predicted. The norm in medicine is a relative concept derived from the average indicators, and each patient can go through it in different ways, and not only in relation to others. Even in one woman, after each pregnancy and childbirth, postpartum discharge may go differently.
Postpartum recovery of the body
The first two hours, in the early postpartum period, immediately after the separation of the placenta, a bright scarlet, moderately abundant substance will stand out. Normally, this can last about 2 hours, and the bloody nature of the discharge is explained by the outflow of blood from the uterine vessels, on which the wound surface has formed. The uterus, the vessels of which are damaged by the separation of the placenta, begins to contract naturally so that the vessels cease to bleed.
It is believed that the normal level of blood loss is half a percent of the total weight of the postpartum woman. In some obstetric schools, a figure not exceeding a quarter of a liter will be considered normal.
The difference in the duration of the late postpartum period is due to several factors, the main ones are:
- contraction of the uterus and its speed;
- no complications;
- the normal state of the blood coagulation system;
- physiological generic process;
- natural postpartum recovery of the female reproductive system.
When all of these conditions are met, postpartum discharge usually tends to end one and a half months (6 weeks) after the baby is born. If they continue to go much longer than the prescribed period or have stopped earlier, it is necessary to consult with the local gynecologist, be sure to go to see him, even if there are no external signs of complications. Prolonged release of an outwardly harmless substance that has a watery character may indicate an incomplete process of uterine restoration, bloody - lead to the development of anemia, especially detrimental to a woman during breastfeeding, purulent - signal the onset of an inflammatory process.
Normal discharge after childbirth
In the maternity hospital, the patient is under the vigilant attention of doctors. With a favorable set of circumstances, she is discharged home on the 5-6th day. The abundant flow of secretions can normally last 2-3 days, and all this time the state of the body is carefully monitored. Adequate supervision is due to the enormous burden that a woman bears during childbirth.
The process, lasting the first 2-3 days, is due to the presence of a wound surface on the walls of the uterus, and its intensity can increase or decrease under the influence of physical activity or breastfeeding. The fluids released at this time are called lochia by gynecologists, and their normal release is considered:
- bloody color in the first 2-3 days;
- less intensity and brown or meaty, not so bright color for 5-6 days;
- starting from 6-7 days - a white or yellow tint, normally already quite light;
- from 9-10 days, they should look like an almost transparent substrate, which is scarce.
Normally, the indicators, intensity and color of the discharge may take on a liquid appearance, but it is possible that they will stretch slightly. The appearance of blood clots, pain, a longer period of uterine contraction is acceptable. These are the main diagnostic indicators by which one can judge how successful the process of involution or reverse development of the uterus is. The restoration of the physiological state of the postpartum woman takes a longer time if the contractile ability of this organ is weakened, but it can pass quickly enough if the woman's body is healthy and the birth took place without complications.
Pathological postpartum discharge
Subinvolution, or a delayed return of the uterus to a normal state, is an indicator that occurs under the influence of certain factors, which are not always pathological. It is dangerous if the process of uterine contraction lasts longer than normal. Normally, the uterus is small, and its non-contraction can lead to the development of purulent-inflammatory processes.
First, the doctor palpates and probes the uterus and estimates the rate of its contraction. If its size has changed little, although already in terms of time it should be small, he will insist on hardware and laboratory examination. Otherwise, the inhibited recovery can lead to pathological consequences.
Natural processes, surgical intervention, and pathological complications can be called the reasons for subinvolution:
- multiple pregnancy;
- rapid childbirth;
- oncological neoplasms (uterine fibroids);
- polyhydramnios;
- gestosis;
- long labor;
- remnants of membranes or placenta.
A pathological condition may be indicated by a rotten smell of discharge, lasting more than a week in excess of the prescribed period. Discharge bloody or white, in which the uterus continues to hurt, as well as normal in appearance, but flowing for a month or more, should also cause concern. The main indicator to immediately send for research is palpation and the nature of the discharge.
As for the caesarean section, the uterus after it contracts more slowly and weaker. The caesarean method assumes a longer healing and lochia after it is observed longer and more intense than after physiological childbirth.
Causes of pathological discharge
If deviations from the relative norm are accompanied by alarming symptoms (fever, general malaise, prolonged or early terminated lochia, sharp or dull pains), then there is a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.
Mucus, curdled clots and a sour smell indicate a developed thrush.
Excessive bleeding and clots resembling meat, an unpleasant odor, a gradual transition from the meaty stage to a discharge resembling slop may indicate acute endometritis. This is an inflammation caused by remnants of the membranes or blood clots, in which the mucous membrane needs to be scraped, removed pathological residues and disinfected. Otherwise, the most unpredictable consequences are possible.
Things to remember after childbirth
There is no absolute norm in medicine, and how many women had to be convinced of this by their own example, when they gave birth for the second and third time. After all, each recovery period proceeds in its own way, with different duration and abundance. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the approximate range of the norm.
The mucous nature of the discharge can be both normal and pathological changes in the process of restoring the uterus to its previous state. Substance white - appears after breastfeeding, or as a result of poor hygiene. Normal lochia can be shorter or longer, depending on the state of the body, the progress of childbirth, uterine contractility.
Any actions should be started only after a medical examination, specialist advice, laboratory tests, any medication should be taken with the knowledge and approval of a doctor. This will help you recover quickly after childbirth.