There are certain rules to help you put a one-year-old to sleep. It is very important that the baby learns to fall asleep on his own, without the presence of his parents, this will help him in the future to become a confident, not notorious person.

Step 1
Every child associates sleep with certain things, so it is important for adults to understand what? should precede their toddler falling asleep. For example, if a mother is breastfeeding her baby before bedtime, he will not be able to fall asleep without this ritual. Therefore, you should not give your children food or drink before going to bed. Also, you do not need to rock the baby.
Step 2
It is necessary to develop the habit of falling asleep in the baby at the same time. Set a specific hour for your one-year-old to go to bed, and soon that time will be a sign for him that it's time to go to bed.
Step 3
Try to get the baby to fall asleep without you being present. Have a toy, blanket, or pacifier next to him. Suddenly waking up at night, he will not look for you, but for his beloved plush friend, and since he is always there, the baby will fall asleep peacefully.
Step 4
Develop a ritual for the child to go through before bed, and never change it. Let the baby take off his clothes, hang them on the chair. Let him know that you, having wished him good night, will definitely leave the room. If one of the relatives will put him to bed, then the ritual should remain the same. Regularity and repetition of actions is very important. The baby should always fall asleep in his crib.
Step 5
Active games should be transferred to the daytime, children do not fall asleep well if they actively move before bedtime. Calm environment, fresh air (open the vents) contribute to good falling asleep and sound sleep. Daytime sleep may be accompanied by a little noise and light, and at night the child should sleep in complete darkness and without noise.
Step 6
Children are very sensitive, they perfectly understand when their parents are nervous. If something happens in the family, the child should not notice it. Try to keep yourself in control in any situation, the health of your child is more valuable than anything else.