The world around him is so interesting for a three-year-old child that sleep for him is an unpleasant obstacle in the knowledge of the world and is perceived by him as a boring occupation.

In this regard, parents need to explain to the child that the need to go to bed has its own and pleasant sides. Activities such as bedtime stories, talking about the past day, stroking, and a little soothing massage can bring pleasure to the child (the choice of action depends on the preferences of the child).
Also, going to bed can be a problem for those children who have any fears. Parents need to find out and eliminate the fears that bother the child.
With the fear of the dark, a night light will help, if the child is scared to fall asleep alone, it is necessary to stay with him until the baby falls asleep, and if the baby is afraid of bad dreams, you can give him a favorite toy, explaining that this is now his protector who will banish all nightmares.
It must be remembered that the process of going to bed should be cyclical. Children enjoy certain rituals that, when repeated, give the child confidence and stability.
Parents need to work out a strict procedure before going to bed: you need to collect all the toys, bathe, wash or take a shower, brush your teeth, after which you can put on your pajamas and get under the covers. By repeating these steps every day, your child will get used to them and even love them. This ritual will wait and most likely go to bed without persuasion.