Two years is such a wonderful and interesting age. But there is not a single mother in the world who was not faced with the question of how to put her two-year-old child to bed. Everyone is faced with this problem. What are the ways to put your child to sleep?

It is necessary
Books with fairy tales and poems, knowledge of lullabies and patience
Step 1
Two years is the age when a child begins to actively explore the world. He needs to constantly move, play. The baby simply does not sit still, as many mothers notice. In order for a child to fall asleep well, he needs to put his energy reserve somewhere, otherwise it will be impossible to put him to sleep either during the day or at night. And sleep is just what is needed to restore this energy.
Step 2
Accustom your child to the regime. Like in kindergarten. When a child is accustomed to the regime, he already knows that after a walk there will be lunch and sleep. And in the evening - a walk, dinner, water procedures and sleep.
Step 3
Be sure to take your child for a walk before bed. Let him run with other children, ride a slide, swing on a swing. After the walk, it will be much easier to lay the child. But make sure that the child does not overwork, otherwise it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.
Step 4
Create all the conditions for your child to sleep. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. For a child, according to pediatricians, the optimum room temperature is 18-20 degrees with a humidity of 50-70%.
Step 5
If this is a daytime dream, turn off the TV, draw up the curtains. If you put yourself to bed at night, turn on the night light.
Step 6
If you are placing your baby not in the crib, but on your bed or sofa, then lie down next to him. If in a crib - sit down next to.
Step 7
It is very important for children to have their mother before going to bed. For some children, it is enough for their mother to just lie down next to them for a couple of minutes. Some, even at the age of two, are still rocked - this is already self-indulgence. From birth, you do not need to accustom yourself to motion sickness.
Step 8
At this age, children already love fairy tales, poems. Read your favorite book to your baby, tell a fairy tale, sing a lullaby.
Step 9
Gently stroke the baby's forehead - it soothes.
Step 10
Put the baby to bed in a good mood so that the baby does not cry or scream. Before going to bed, come up with your own ritual. For example, use a poem to show your child that everyone is going to bed. Read the verse and show the baby pictures where everyone goes to bed or is already asleep. One of these poems is called "Lullaby for the Bunny".