A room where two children live is a complex system. Here, parents have to try hard to arrange a place for each child with comfort and not offend anyone. One of the main problems is the arrangement of a sleeping place. Often the situation forces you to opt for a double bed model due to lack of space.

Today, beds for two children come in different designs and models: these are fixed bunk beds, collapsible bunk beds and roll-out models.
Bunk beds
Bunk beds are great space savers. But there are several factors to consider here. Firstly, it is the height of the bed and the height of the ceilings. So that later it does not happen that one child sleeps under the very ceiling and complains of general discomfort and stuffiness. It makes sense to take a closer look at the option of a bunk bed, which can be divided into two full-fledged ones. Perhaps, over time, the children will have a more spacious room and then your far-sighted purchase will fully justify itself.
When choosing, you should focus on convenience, size, rationality and injury risk. The criterion of convenience primarily includes the comfort of each child - he sleeps on the upper tier or on the lower one. Without experience, it can be difficult to immediately determine what is good and what is bad in each model. Pay attention to the height of the bed. It is best if the top tier is at the level of your head. This is good for the child - he will not feel stuffy, and for you, because so you can control his condition without going up the stairs.
The trauma risk of a bunk bed deter many parents from such a purchase. And this is correct, especially if your child, who will sleep on the second floor, is less than three years old or very active. To avoid injury, if possible, check the height of the sidewalls of the second tier. Even together with the mattress, their height should not be less than 20 cm. Next, pay attention to the stairs - the steps should not be vertical, slippery, without gaps in which the child's leg can get stuck. And be sure to clearly explain to the children why it is strictly forbidden to play on the second tier.
The width and length of the bed also matters. If you are buying a bed for several years, then consider the fact that your children are growing rapidly. Therefore, the more spacious the berth, the better. Of course, not to the detriment of the room's space.
It is good if the bunk bed will have additional details, such as storage sections - wardrobe, shelves, drawers. This is very convenient because you don't have to buy this furniture separately.
Pull-out bed
Another bed option for two children is a pull-out bed. Here, the second berth for the time of the day is hidden under the first and is put forward for the time of sleep. This option provides a good space saving. In addition, it is practically not traumatic for children and you do not have to jump up at night with any rustle, fearing that the sleepy child will fall from the second tier.
But it cannot be called the most successful option. the second child is practically on the floor during sleep and one level lower than the first. This can be harmful both to health, when it shines on the floor on cold days, and to the full mental development of the child.
Another disadvantage is that it will be uncomfortable for a child sleeping at a high level to get up at night. you will have to step over (or step - which is more often) over the sister or brother sleeping below. True, there is a kind of pull-out bed, when the berth is not pushed forward, but is retracted to the side. In addition, these beds usually require an extra bedding box.
Experience shows that virtually all dual models fail to provide children with a level playing field. And if when buying, for example, a bunk bed for the first month, children have an acute struggle for the "attic", then after some time the situation changes exactly the opposite. The same applies to retractable modular structures, where one child is sleeping practically at the feet of another. Therefore, when choosing a model, it is worth considering all the nuances, including the character of each child.