For the author of this article, living in harmony with your baby is a very important task. Looking at the many conflicts between mothers and their children in playgrounds, I understand that this is really necessary.
Harmony is coherence, coherence of conflicting elements. Very useful things in any relationship, including with a child. What are the violations of harmony in the relationship between mother and child, and how can they be overcome?
Often on the playground one can hear the phrase: "Why are you sitting, go at least look / walk!" That is, a mother who says phrases of this kind does not appreciate the child's interest at the moment, considers it less important than something else. But at this time the child is busy with something, he gets the experience of interacting with the world. Try to keep track of why you want to switch the child. It's one thing if it's a conflict and needs to be resolved by distracting the baby. And it is completely different when he is busy with business, but with his own business. Ask yourself the question: is your idea / business really more important to him right now?
Another moment, in which there is often no harmony between mother and child, is biorhythm. Each person has his own biorhythm when he wants to eat, sleep, wake up. It is very difficult and unpleasant to radically break the biorhythm, especially for a child. Try to adhere to the "golden mean" rule: you adjust to the child and adjust it to yourself. Listen to your body and be empathetic to your baby. Listen more to your sense of self than to "correct advice." It is considered correct to breastfeed a Lyalka every three hours. But someone’s child eats every two hours, and someone’s 4 is fast asleep.
Let me give you a personal example. Some time ago, my son began to fall asleep badly. Before that, at 21:30 he was already asleep. And here we fought with him and packed for more than an hour. Gradually it became clear that the reason was not that he fell asleep badly, but that his regime for some reason shifted later with the onset of summer. We started getting ready for bed later and at 22:30 the child slept without any war or tantrums. Now I understand that if I want to put it down earlier, then it is necessary to gradually shift the regime, starting in the morning. And since I myself like to sleep in the morning, we left everything as it is.
Do not once again "break" the child or yourself, listen to his body and find a "golden mean" for your relationship. Harmony in raising a child will help you live with him in peace and harmony, calmly showing your love. Get the joy of motherhood instead of being an angry fury who is constantly at war with the child.