After the child reaches the age of 4 months, mothers think about whether it is time to introduce complementary foods. To familiarize a child with adult food, one should pay attention not only to the age of the baby, but also to some other factors.

The World Health Organization recommends starting the introduction of complementary foods after the child is 6 months old. Russian pediatricians advise introducing the first adult foods at the age of 4-6 months into the baby's diet. The mother should be guided by these terms, taking into account the child's readiness to get acquainted with complementary foods.
First of all, if a woman is breastfeeding, you need to assess the completeness of her nutrition. Mom's daily diet should contain meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits. If a woman does not succeed in this, one should not delay the introduction of complementary foods, otherwise the child will lack the necessary substances.
Watch your baby gain weight. The norms of conformity for weight, height and age are indicated in the corridors of the child's development.
You should also evaluate the baby's interest in adult food. If the child closely monitors how the parents eat and draws his hands to their plates, he has developed an interest in food, and the introduction of complementary foods can begin.
Some pediatricians recommend postponing feeding with new foods if the baby is not already sitting on her own. However, some babies only start doing this at 10 months old. In this case, do not wait until the child learns to sit.