Smoking-related dreams can be seen by both smokers and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. If such dreams are the first to see, then in most cases this does not mean anything to them, but if non-smokers smoke in a dream, then they should certainly look into the dream book!

Step 1
A dream associated with smoking, dreamed of by a really smoking person, speaks of his dependence on someone or something. It is curious that this dependence is not on cigarettes, but, for example, on public opinion, on some bad habits, on another person. The main thing here is not to try to completely get rid of your addiction, but at least keep it within the bounds of decency.
Step 2
If non-smokers smoke in their sleep, then in the near future they will have to make a lot of efforts in the name of achieving certain goals. Wanting to smoke in a dream - to some problems that can change the dreamer's life for the worse. However, you should not be panicky to be afraid of such a dream, because it is not a sentence, but just a warning.
Step 3
Psychologists say that dreams associated with smoking are often seen by those who are going to quit this bad habit in reality. In this case, the interpretation of this dream can be only one: the bad habit is very deeply rooted in the subconscious of such people, so they need to work on themselves thoroughly in order to achieve their goals.
Step 4
Quitting smoking in a dream means achieving success in real life in certain difficult matters. Of course, in the name of achieving success, a lot of effort and expense (both physical and mental) must be sacrificed. If you dream about how cigarettes are smoked one after another, then in reality changes are coming, and not for the better. Conflicts with friends and relatives are possible.
Step 5
Some interpreters argue that the dream of smoking, dreamed of by a non-smoker, is prophetic - in the near future, the dreamer will certainly acquire this bad habit. What exactly will push him to this, the dream books do not specify. If a non-smoker in reality, the owner of a dream sees how he quits smoking in a dream, then in real life this person may be involved in some kind of adventure.
Step 6
Smoking a pipe in a dream is a symbol of a lucky coincidence in life. Smoking a cigarette in a dream speaks of a waking opportunity to improve your own financial situation. Smoking a cigar in a dream means being confident in the coming day, and lighting a hookah means missing out on your profit in a given situation.
Step 7
There are dreams that do not reflect the very fact of smoking, but describe its process. For example, smoking for a long time represents a boring and unpleasant pastime in the company of some uninteresting people. Smoking out the window and blowing up clouds of smoke means spending money in the near future. Smoking out of anger - in reality, to be very offended by someone.