People relate to dreams in different ways. Someone considers them to be something frivolous, someone attaches great importance. One way or another, having seen a dream, you may wonder if this dream has a meaning or if it simply reflects the course of your thoughts. It is impossible to remember dreams every time for various reasons. However, you can develop the skill of remembering dreams more often.

Step 1
Before interpreting dreams, you need to learn how to memorize them. Get a notebook for your notes. In it, try to record your dreams every morning. If you can't remember a dream, try thinking about it later during the day. Perhaps later it will be possible to reproduce it in thoughts. As a rule, at least some parts of the dream are remembered. These can be certain scenes, words, phrases, images, landscapes, associations. With the help of these elements of dreams, you can reproduce in memory the whole picture of a dream.
Step 2
In order for dreams to be remembered more often, pay more attention to good sleep. Try to sleep in a well-ventilated area. An adult should stay in the arms of Morpheus for at least 7-8 hours.
Step 3
Wake up slowly. Turn off the alarm, pull up. Try to remember what you just dreamed about. Many experts advise giving up the alarm whenever possible, as a sudden sound can stress the brain and erase sleep from memory.
Step 4
Now start interpreting dreams. According to many specialists in this field, only the person who dreamed about them can be the best interpreter of their dreams, since dreams are a reflection of a person's inner world, his thinking, and psychological qualities. For the same reason, it is sometimes not recommended to look for answers to your questions in dream books. It is preferable to try to independently interpret the meaning of what you saw in a dream.
Step 5
Use intuition and common sense when interpreting dreams. Pay attention to the little things in your dreams, as well as the emotions you dreamed about. Emotions that you experienced in a dream can make sense in real life as well.
Step 6
Before looking for the deep meaning of a dream, analyze the dream at the simplest, most obvious level. If it is not possible to interpret at this level, a more thorough analysis can be made.
Step 7
In the diary in which you write down your dreams, also record the events that occur during the day. Thus, you will be able to see the regularity of the connection between the elements of the dream and events in life.
Step 8
By learning to interpret your dreams, you can make them your allies. With the help of dreams, you will learn to better understand yourself, your experiences, and respond correctly to certain events. That being said, remember that most dreams can be dreamed without any meaning. Dreams can be a response to a movie you see, a conversation that took place during the day, or thoughts that worry a person.