Almost every person has moments when in a dream he realizes that he is sleeping. Such cases of spontaneous awareness are very rare, but there are special practices that allow you to learn to see lucid dreams almost every night.

There are several types of lucid dreams, differing in the quality of awareness. In particular, in the Russian environment, dreamers are often divided between lucid and lucid dreams. Terminologically, this is not entirely correct, since lucid dreaming, or lucid Dreaming, translated from English is a lucid dream. But the division has stuck, it is often used in the communication of dreamers, so it should be taken into account in order to avoid confusion.
So, lucid dreams are often understood as a lucid dream with a low degree of awareness. In such a dream, you understand that you are sleeping, but you are drawn into what is happening, you are a participant in the plot.
In a fully lucid dream, the degree of your control over what is happening is very high. The plot of the dream no longer affects you, you do what you want and how you want. Your mind works almost as well as it does in reality. You know that you are asleep and everything that surrounds you, you dream.
How to learn lucid dreaming
There are tons of tips on how to learn to dream online. But this usually does not take into account the main thing: dreams are possible only with a high level of energy. It is no coincidence that most spontaneous dreams occur between the ages of 15 and 25-30, that is, during the period of maximum sexual activity. The high level of sexual energy allows some people to dream without any practice. But later, dreams disappear - the level of sexual energy falls, and there is no ability to accumulate and use other energy.
That is why it is very important to learn how to store energy. Stop being nervous about trifles, getting angry, swearing, worrying - it is with emotions that the maximum amount of energy necessary for dreams is spent. Eliminate everything unnecessary from life - hours of communication on social networks, long TV viewing, frequent visits to entertainment events, etc. - that is, everything that actively attracts your attention makes you react emotionally.
The second condition for the rapid onset of dreams is the intention to perform an action in a dream. For example, find a person, fly, walk through a wall, look at your hands in a dream, etc. If you just want to dream, nothing will work out, it is the intention to do something in the dream that is necessary. The action can be absolutely any - it is not important, but the attraction of your intention.
If you save energy and every night, when you go to bed, intend to perform the intended action in Sen, you just have to be patient. It is this that is usually not enough, after a week or two the practice of lucid dreaming is safely abandoned. So that you do not have the same thing, keep a dream diary. Write down your dreams in it, take notes every day. This focuses your attention on your dreams and allows you to continue practicing. It may take you from several weeks to several months before the first dream.
A moment of awareness in a dream
Awareness comes at the moment when in a dream you suddenly remember that you wanted to do something. Or you do it, and remember that you were going to perform this action. For example, you are flying - and in flight you remember that you wanted to fly. At the same time, you seem to wake up, your awareness takes over. The dream stops, the dream begins.
The duration of the first dreams is usually a matter of seconds, less often minutes. Experienced dreamers can dream for hours, but this is a very high level, which only a few can reach. The continuation of the dreaming practice depends only on the energy level. The energy level decreases, and dreams disappear.