Most parents in the first months of a baby's life are faced with a problem such as regurgitation. The reasons for regurgitation are many, and one of the main ones is the swallowing of air by the baby during feeding (the so-called aerophagia).

Step 1
First you need to find out the causes of aerophagia and cope with them. There are three main reasons:
- Excessive excitability of the baby during feeding - he opens his mouth wide, sucks too greedily and intensely. This behavior may be related to hunger or poor milk flow;
- Weakness of the muscles of the child, immaturity of the digestive system (the child was born prematurely, difficult labor, birth trauma);
- And the most common reason is technically improperly organized feeding (both breastfeeding and artificial). When breastfeeding, the baby swallows air, if during feeding he does not capture the areola of the nipple, but only the nipple itself. With artificial feeding, air enters the baby's stomach, if the bottle is placed horizontally during feeding, not the entire nipple is filled with the formula or the hole in the nipple is very large.
Step 2
For the prevention of aerophagia, it is necessary to eliminate all the "technical problems" of feeding:
- When breastfeeding, correct attachment to the breast is necessary;
- In case of artificial - such an angle of inclination of the bottle so that the nipple is completely filled with the mixture;
- Don't try to feed a crying baby;
- During feeding, the baby's head should be slightly raised.
Step 3
However, even if these rules are followed, a small amount of air still enters the stomach. Therefore, after feeding, it is worth holding the baby upright. One way or another, the air in the stomach causes anxiety to the baby. Therefore, it is better to get rid of it immediately after feeding. As a rule, it is enough 5-7 minutes to vilify the child in a "column" for the air to escape. You can keep your face away from yourself or towards you. If air is trapped, you can lightly pat the baby's back. But of course, in no case should the child be laid on his stomach after eating, otherwise, along with the air, most of the eaten will come out.