How To Be Successful With Guys

How To Be Successful With Guys
How To Be Successful With Guys

Table of contents:


It is generally accepted that guys should always seek girls themselves, that this is inherent in them by nature. However, do not forget the words of the famous song that according to statistics there are nine guys for ten girls. It takes some effort to be successful with guys.

How to be successful with guys
How to be successful with guys


Step 1

Watch your appearance. It's not enough just to be beautiful, well-groomed and well-dressed. All guys, like their tastes, are different. Do not dress in such a way that they are afraid to approach you. Not everyone can, upon seeing a girl for the first time, immediately speak to her, but this does not mean that the guy is a loser.

Step 2

Be natural. Behave the way you like it and don't make it up. The guy will pay attention to you the way you introduced yourself to him. Don't hide behind a "mask".

Step 3

Try to be feminine but self-reliant. Learn to understand where you need to give in to a guy, and where it is better to defend your opinion. Someone likes strong girls, someone on the contrary. Try to find yourself and understand how many girls you are, and you can be successful with guys.

Step 4

Be approachable, positive, and open to communication. Don't be afraid to be the first to say hello or to talk about something. Remember that by constantly surrounding yourself with girlfriends and friends, you distance yourself from strangers.

Step 5

Don't splurge. Since guys are afraid and don't like to lose, don't make yourself an impregnable fortress. It is quite possible that they will think that they will not interest you, and thus you, all beautiful, will be left alone, not understanding what, in fact, is the matter.

Step 6

Show that you have some kind of mystery, zest. Men love when there is something unsaid and mysterious, when not everything is on the surface. Show your erudition. This is great when there is life in the communication and it does not resemble a monologue with ridiculous pauses. Leave anything unsaid until the next meeting, and the guys will look for an excuse to meet you over and over again.

Step 7

Be attentive and show interest in your interlocutors. Follow the culture of speech. Get rid of bad habits, not only nonsmoking guys, but also most men susceptible to this bad habit, are negative towards girls who smoke.
