Do you want to have a lot of women? I'm sure if you are a young guy you want to know how to do it. I hope this article will help you win many women's hearts and improve your love life.

1. Be clean and tidy. Don't forget to shower, use deodorant, comb, brush your teeth, etc. A good perfume is also useful. Women like clean men.
2. Always wear only clean clothing. Never wear dirty, shabby, leaky or bad smelling clothes. Clothes should be combined with each other and not be out of the general style. Women are bound to notice these mistakes, and your chances of dating are likely to diminish.
Be gallant. Open the doors for the girls and let them go ahead, if you go on a date, then you pay, of course, if she herself does not insist on paying. Be kind and respectful. Women don't like rude guys, so be polite at all times. Women are crazy about gallant men.
3. Compliment her a lot, but don't overdo it. Tell her that you like her hair or that she does something very well. This will help you strike up a conversation.
5. Pay attention to her. If you are talking about something, then listen to it carefully, and do not talk only about yourself.
6. Become older. Various perversions, bullying others and the like may seem ridiculous at first glance, but women do not like these guys. There are ways to impress and a little better.
7. If you want to go on a date, invite girls. First, plan what you will be doing, then find the girl you would like to dampen, and finally tell her, "Would you like to go to the movies with me at seven tonight?"