Career And Child: What Is More Important For A Successful Woman?

Career And Child: What Is More Important For A Successful Woman?
Career And Child: What Is More Important For A Successful Woman?

It is no secret that not every woman leader, who has hundreds or thousands of employees, dozens of professional men, cannot always cope with raising one single child.

Career and child: what is more important for a successful woman?
Career and child: what is more important for a successful woman?

Taking into account the economic realities of the country, more and more women strive to build a career initially, and only then - to plan the birth of a baby.

However, the age at which a woman can carry a healthy child without problems is between 20-35 years. Further, health problems begin in general and fertility problems in particular.

What gives a woman a career:

  • The possibility of self-realization,
  • Financial independence,
  • Social status.

At the same time, the birth of a child entails not only a change in social status, which will be approved for life, but also the possibility of self-realization - at a higher level.

Among feminists, you can often hear that a woman who is not capable of anything else gives birth to a child. However, this position leads to the fact that as a result 20% of marriages remain sterile: time is lost, health is destroyed.

The second popular thesis says: "There is no one to give birth to, men have died out." Yes, raising a child on your own is quite difficult, both from a material point of view and from a psychological point of view. Difficult, but possible. The state provides such mothers with benefits and subsidies. And no high position can replace the satisfaction of the thought that you have managed to bring up a wonderful person.
